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Author Topic: [EN] solver 3.0  (Read 2106 times)

Offline vilde

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[EN] solver 3.0
« on: 2024/08/21, 09:12:59 »
I would like to know more about the --solver 3.0, in english

I se now in the topics about the kmod problem that maid the latest kernels unbootable that there is a lot of users using --solver 3.0 in full-upgrade, I might also have seen somewhere a note from Devil that --solver 3.0 is not ready yet and it's not recommend to use?

Is --solver 3.0 a magic tool solving every problem on updates? is it ready? is it reliable? Shall we use it?

Offline Carnophage

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Re: solver 3.0
« Reply #1 on: 2024/08/21, 11:24:43 »
https://blog.jak-linux.org/2024/05/14/solver3/ might be a good starting point

from my own perspective, it works just fine, I had 2 "problematic" cases:
1. I blame it for the recent case where gpg was replaced with a rewrite that was not compatible fully and `apt update` broke
2. on one of the laptops it wanted to install many nvidia related packages (I don't have nvidia card there) but it turned out I had some needles vulcan related package

apart from that it works just fine, I dropped `nala` for full upgrade for it

Offline scholle1

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Re: solver 3.0
« Reply #2 on: 2024/08/21, 12:08:18 »
Use the link @Carnophage shows you.
  • "Is --solver 3.0 a magic tool solving every problem on updates?"
    No. It is always advisable to check what APT wants to install and remove. With or without --solver 3.0.
  • "is it ready?"
    No. See the blog of Julian Andres Klode
  • "is it reliable?"
    It often offers better solutions than APT without --solver 3.0.
  • "Shall we use it?"
    Why not? If you see a problem with APT, try the --solver 3.0 option.
    If you still see a problem, try just an 'apt upgrade' first.
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Offline edlin

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Re: solver 3.0
« Reply #3 on: 2024/08/21, 14:07:48 »
Since @Devil introduced the new solver in May (https://linuxnews.de/apt-2-9-3-fuehrt-neuen-solver-ein/), I have tested the option and now use it every day.
Of course, Solver 3.0 is still under development, but we also use Siduction, which is based on Debian/unstable. Of course, we also have to keep an eye on the output of Solver 3.0 - the final decision remains in our hands.
In the beginning I was sceptical and compared the solutions of Solver 3.0 with apt full-upgrade and apt upgrade.
In the meantime, I only use the new Solver. In contrast to apt full-upgrade, it no longer suggests deleting essential packages or self-installed applications until the problem is solved.

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Offline vilde

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Re: solver 3.0
« Reply #4 on: 2024/08/26, 10:11:59 »
Thank you for the answers, then I shall use it from now, and yes, as always on Siduction, with care. :)