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Author Topic: [EN] No Installation on Dell XPS 13 9343 possible  (Read 3071 times)

Offline Lanzi

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[EN] No Installation on Dell XPS 13 9343 possible
« on: 2024/04/29, 16:00:02 »
I tried a lot of combinations on an older Dell XPS. I have done thns on serveral xps13, but this one is really hard.
Anybody has this one and can tell me the right combination from:

O Legacy Boot
O Fastboot
O Secure Boot

I can install Siduction, but at reboot I got a "disc not found"-Error

Thanks for any help!

BTW: it has Firmeware A18, the most actual seems to be A20, but I need a installed windows to flash (bios in .exe format)... And I think that it should work also with A18...

Offline charlyheinz

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Re: No Installation on Dell XPS 13 9343 possible
« Reply #1 on: 2024/04/30, 10:03:51 »
Hello Lanzi
Maybe your problem relies on “Intel RST” enabled in your UEFI. With a Lenovo Laptop I had this problem not finding partitions / devices when booting grub. Disabling this feature did the trick for me.

Offline Lanzi

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Re: No Installation on Dell XPS 13 9343 possible
« Reply #2 on: 2024/04/30, 18:21:43 »
Thanks for the answer. I read about the Intel RST in your link, and searched the bios. It seems, the computer does not have a similar setting, so therefore nothing to deactivate...