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Author Topic: [EN] 2013.2 RC1 is out  (Read 9137 times)

Offline devil

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #1 on: 2013/12/23, 17:50:44 »
Hey devil,

perfect timing! This RC will feed my new box which has arrived today. Thanks for the meal.

Offline pjnsmb

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #2 on: 2013/12/23, 19:30:11 »
shoot me down in flames if I am wrong but :

from : http://news.siduction.org/2013/12/siduction-2013-2-rc1-released-with-systemd/

Changing Runlevels, Reboot and Shutdown

Changing runlevels is also different from Syvinit. What was known as runlevel 3 is now multi-user.target, init 5 changes to graphical.target

systemctl isolate graphical.target – Will take you to what you know as init 3
systemctl isolate multi-user.target – Will take you to what you know as init 5

are these  two lines above the wrong way round ?

I have been using the two commands the other way around for months to get to init 3

Offline devil

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #3 on: 2013/12/23, 19:54:31 »
Of course you are right, will fix it right away. Good find :)


Offline spacepenguin

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #4 on: 2013/12/25, 01:49:04 »
systemctl isolate multi-user.target
A lot to type... Will you devs set aliases to shorten the way to "init 3" or do we users have to do it?
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
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Offline devil

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #5 on: 2013/12/25, 02:22:24 »
Init 3 and 5 work for now as well. And aliases are up to the user :)


Offline melmarker

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #6 on: 2013/12/25, 03:23:56 »
it might be a good idea to do the things systemd like - beside the fact that systemd-sysv give $user the choice to use the "old" commands. There is no such thing like init 3 in systemd, this is now a non-graphical target. Correct terminology may help with problems eventually (just in case ...)

To be true, i use the old terminology too :)
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Offline dibl

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #7 on: 2013/12/25, 05:41:58 »
On KDE systems, this command seems to work well:

Code: [Select]
systemctl stop kdm

When I use

Code: [Select]
systemctl isolate multi-user.target

sometimes it closes eth0 and networking is killed.  Of course this is a big problem in a ssh remote connection.  I am trying to learn exactly what the repeatable scenario is -- I have experienced this on multiple KDE systems, but it is a little bit subtle to repeat.

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Offline spacepenguin

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #8 on: 2013/12/25, 16:21:09 »
I don't understand the logic behind the new terminology... The non-graphical target is called multi-user.target but the graphical target also is a multi-user environment  - so why "multi-user.target" for non-graphical? Or isn't it possible anymore to switch users in the graphical environment? oO
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
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Offline der_bud

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #9 on: 2013/12/25, 17:34:23 »
That terminology fits to the debian runlevels and LSB specification:
ID  Name
0  Halt
1  Single-user Mode
2  Multi-user Mode
3  Multi-user Mode with Networking
4  Not used/User-definable
5  Start the system normally with appropriate display manager
6  Reboot
 as you can read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel#Linux_Standard_Base_specification . So our "init 3" has always been the multiuser mode (non-graphical), and "init 5" was multiuser plus gui (pure debian itself differs here a bit from siduction). Init 1 or singleuser ist often used as a basic root-only rescue mode without network, reachable by adding "single" at the grub kernel-line.
« Last Edit: 2013/12/25, 17:38:08 by der_bud »
Du lachst? Wieso lachst du? Das ist doch oft so, Leute lachen erst und dann sind sie tot.

Offline spacepenguin

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #10 on: 2013/12/25, 18:06:49 »
Thanks for the explanation. The new terminology is like learning Cobol... :S
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
Music-Profile: http://www.last.fm/de/user/spacepengu

Offline melmarker

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #11 on: 2013/12/25, 18:53:55 »
spacepenguin - these are the old school unix states as written by der_bud.

debian play these things not like the other kids in the sandbox, they use only 1,2,6,0 - so sidux came up with the unix-like inits. init 3 is right translated and used with non-graphical multiuser wiith networking :)
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
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Offline ralul

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #12 on: 2013/12/25, 19:22:16 »
I don't understand the logic behind the new terminology... The non-graphical target is called multi-user.target but the graphical target also is a multi-user environment  - so why "multi-user.target" for non-graphical?
No the graphical.target has no of its own mult-user but uses the system target multi-user.target.
For example in systemd you can define a spenguin.target:
needs graphical.target

Because graphical.target is defined in need of multi-user.target, your spenguin.target has all of graphical and multi-user!
experiencing siduction runs better than my gentoo makes me know I know nothing

Offline spacepenguin

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #13 on: 2013/12/26, 16:09:27 »
Ok. I got it, thanks. But why do we have to write it all in clear text now? That's why I mentioned Cobol...
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
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Offline devil

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Re: 2013.2 RC1 is out
« Reply #14 on: 2013/12/26, 16:14:40 »
You don't.  You can either use init 3/5 as long as it works or make an alias to your liking.
