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Author Topic:  zram / zswap  (Read 6094 times)

Offline dion

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zram / zswap
« on: 2022/02/23, 21:20:48 »
Hi all,

I came across some website mentioning zram / zswap as kernel modules that could be interesting, especially for PC's with limited RAM, to speed up the system. Also a script named systemd-swap is mentioned. Does anyone have experience with this? Is it worth while using it? What option do you prefer? zram or zswap?

Offline Mister00X

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Re: zram / zswap
« Reply #1 on: 2022/02/28, 17:37:10 »
Personally I use zswap because I also use suspend to disk on my laptop. The siduction kernel has zswap as a module.
IIrc it can be enabled by adding
Code: [Select]
to the kernel command line.
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