a) meta-packages are pure pita
b) working around dpkg isn't the best idea one can have
And there is absolutely no reason to do so - the user ever have the choice. No offense, but using siduction without siduction packages is nuts - there is no reason to do so. A siduction without siduction packages would be no siduction and we would not maintain it. So why we should spend ressorces to create a way to do so - sounds nuts too

We have choosen our way, being debian based, but sometimes ahead of debian - maybe this would not longer be necessary some day - but to be true - i don't see this if i look onto KDE in debian now.
For other DEs its the same - especially razor, lxde, lxqt - it would be nice to have things in sync between debian and siduction. It seems possible to archive this - not the same version, but the same packaging. But that needs manpower and one or more people who are involved in debian and siduction. In fact we need nobody to talk about work and possible solutions - we need some people to do that work and create these solutions. Thats the problem in short words - and it will be a lot of dirty work and it would include for those peoples to be involved in debian as package maintainers and/or debian developers. Maybe we can reach this somewhen, but only step by step.