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Author Topic: [EN] Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?  (Read 442 times)

Offline onepiece

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[EN] Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« on: 2025/01/04, 19:16:52 »
Is there an upgrade path from Giants to Shine On?

 I’ve scanned through this forum regarding upgrading Siduction Giants to Shine On. Seems like there is no established pathway to reliably doing this version upgrade. Did I get that correctly or am I missing something?

Historically the safest bet is to do a fresh install… But just wondering if there is an alternate reliable pathway. Thanks to all.

Offline samtfalterblau

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Re: Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« Reply #1 on: 2025/01/04, 19:24:07 »
I was told to do that:
Code: [Select]
apt install shine-on-kde-settings

Offline ReinerS

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Re: Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« Reply #2 on: 2025/01/04, 21:29:43 »
@onepiece: Are you aware that siduction is an "Rolling Release" and is just updated the "normal" ways (via apt update, apt-upgrade etc .  .  .). So you normally just do this upgrading and and you stay on the actual /newest level.
Only in the very rare cases when you might be forced to a new install, I would recommend doing this with the latest release, as otherwise you will have to upgrade a big amount of newer packages.


slackware => SuSE => kanotix => sidux => aptosid  => siduction

Offline edlin

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Re: Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« Reply #3 on: 2025/01/05, 11:03:34 »
As ReinerS already wrote, Siduction is a rolling release and could theoretically be updated with apt full-upgrade for a lifetime.

Only some elements that have been added in shine-on will be missing. This mainly concerns the artwork, such as wallpapers or themes for grub and sddm. You can get the files from github (https://github.com/siduction) and include them yourself or you can install it from the shine-on packages:
Code: [Select]
apt search shine-on --names-onlySome packages also contain the default settings for a new installation.
I would only perform a new installation when switching to a new computer or when switching from ext4 to btrfs etc.

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Offline scholle1

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Re: Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« Reply #4 on: 2025/01/05, 12:01:35 »
As edlin wrote.
Code: [Select]
apt search shine-on --names-onlySome packages also contain the default settings for a new installation.

Beware of installing packages with “livesettings” or “live theme”.
You will load a ton of problems onto your computer.

With kind regards
"pax in terra" - Das ist mein großer, mein einzigster, von Herzen kommender Wunsch.
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Offline edlin

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Re: Is there an upgrade path from giants to shine on?
« Reply #5 on: 2025/01/05, 13:37:10 »
Thanks for the additional information. I had assumed that the package names and descriptions were self-explanatory. The packages with the settings can also cause problems during subsequent installation (overwriting a file that already exists in another package). These packages are IMHO intended for a new installation. The artwork (wallpaper, background for grub and sddm etc.) can be better customized manually.

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill