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Author Topic: [EN] Updates Yes/No ?  (Read 10241 times)


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[EN] Updates Yes/No ?
« on: 2012/07/10, 18:28:41 »
During a round of updates about 60 days ago I lost  Siduction 11.
So, I reinstalled Siduction 12. To date I have stayed clear of updates.
 I understand that Siduction is a marriage of Unstable Sid and Testing Wheezy. I also have a Squeeze and Wheezy install and these do get whatever updates are available. They have both survived without pinning.. http://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences

 My questions are (as I take on 22 Updates and 2 new Packages) is everyone updating Siduction as needed? Is anyone Pinning app preferences?
 Lastly, Is anyone losing their installs either in 11 or 12 after a round of updates?

 EDIT: just changed the above to 22 updates... Forgot to change the sources on reinstall to US they are NZ by my download's default... Don't no why as I downloaded the iso from a US University..

Offline michaa7

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Re: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #1 on: 2012/07/10, 18:57:21 »
IMPORTANT: read "update" as "dist-upgrade" as with siduction we don't ever "update".

Quote from: "sqlpython"
During a round of updates about 60 days ago I lost  Siduction 11.
So, I reinstalled Siduction 12. To date I have stayed clear of updates.

Did you ever read releasenotes, manual, did you follow any thread about howto update?

I understand that Siduction is a marriage of Unstable Sid and Testing Wheezy.

Where did you read this nonsense? Siduction is Debian/sid compatible, nothing else.

I also have a Squeeze and Wheezy install and these do get whatever updates are available. They have both survived without pinning.. http://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences

So why don't you regularly update siduction as it is advised in about 1000 threads?

My questions are (as I take on 480 Updates and 14 new Packages) is everyone updating Siduction as needed?

Everyone exept one person.

Lastly, Is anyone losing their installs either in 11 or 12 after a round of updates?

You loose nothing by regular updates, in rare cases with an update *after* much time without update an installation can become too difficult to repair for an unexperienced user.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake


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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #2 on: 2012/07/10, 19:02:50 »
Ok now that I have Updated the US repositories I am informed of 491 updates..
I an not doing this until I get some feedback.. Yikes!!!
..Don't want to break anything. Although I believe this should work fine.

Offline devil

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #3 on: 2012/07/10, 19:47:45 »
Dist-upgrade is what you want. I do 3 per day.


Offline Lanzi

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #4 on: 2012/07/10, 20:51:14 »
I do 2-3 times a week. usually erverything works fine.
On my parents computer I do it every 3-6 months, usually everything is fine too, but of course its still a computer with no security updates!


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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #5 on: 2012/07/10, 21:01:48 »
Thanks for your kind response.. in a community based OS bouncing procedures off of other members sometimes gets new results..
  I was aware of the siduction manual article regarding APT and the dist-upgrade. However in version 11 I had attempted to use synaptic which seemed convenient but not the best idea. After years of
apt-get upgrade
..you get accustom to doing so.

I will note your prescription. {smile}

Edit: Yours also Lanzi :^)


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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #6 on: 2012/07/10, 21:33:21 »
  I am assuming your post reads as it does due to English not being your 1st language. As it sounds a bit abrasive and condescending as phrased.
In fact I thought for a moment I was on an FreeBSD or Aptosid forum.. heh heh
no worries though.. :^)

However, I wanted to address a point or 2 for you.

 Regarding Reading Docs:
 I have been using and Installing LINUX now for 17 years and have probably  read hunreds of thousands of pages of Docs in that time. I have likely installed over 150 distros at 10 per year. I also develop desktop apps which is fun.  However, admittedly there are still LINUX items that I do not know and that will always be so. This fact also holds true for you and I am sure you know that fact. I do find the community the best platform to bounce questions off of even if I think I know the answers. That is half the fun of LINUX. Don't you agree?

"Where did you read this nonsense?"
  When you boot or shutdown Siduction the terminal clearly displays..
Debian GNU wheezy/sid
 so some dev believes that this identifies that which we are booting.
  as a young friend of mine once said..
Do you read anything? as in
Did you ever read releasenotes, manual, did you follow any thread about howto update?

 Don't take LINUX too too serious.. ;^)
Take in deep breaths through your nose. Breath out through your mouth or breath into a paper bag... LOL just joking... peace and enjoy..

Offline devil

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #7 on: 2012/07/10, 21:46:30 »

When you boot or shutdown Siduction the terminal clearly displays..
Debian GNU wheezy/sid
so some dev believes that this identifies that which we are booting.

That line is inserted by debian, as they do not distinguish between the 2, as none of them gets released by them. The things we pull from debian, we do solely pull from sid aka unstable.



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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #8 on: 2012/07/10, 21:47:12 »
I dist-upgrade about every 1.5 weeks.  In rare cases it's a month.
Even then there's no problems.


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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #9 on: 2012/07/10, 22:24:44 »
The things we pull from debian, we do solely pull from sid aka unstable.

 Thank you sir, for the clarification.. noted..

 Thank you my friend. That sounds about right for my purposes.

Offline michaa7

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #10 on: 2012/07/10, 22:29:00 »
@ sqlpython

"abrasive" sounds like a fitting description, I have nothing against this. OTOH, being compared with some Aptisod guys isn't really what I want.

Is it really too rough to spell something out for somebody?
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake


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Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #11 on: 2012/07/10, 23:16:32 »

Is it really too rough to spell something out for somebody?

hmmm, I think, for some people this kind of spelling out implicates, that they're idiots.

It could be understood as a reproach.

And there is a difference between:

Please don't use upgrade in Sid, only use dist-upgrade, and read our manual carefully


Did you ever read releasenotes, manual, did you follow any thread about howto update?

Next step, the weezy/sid mixture. A possible reaction could be:

Please ignore the output weezy/sid of the prompt, siduction bases on Debian Sid, read our manual carefully.

Your kind of answear:

Where did you read this nonsense? Siduction is Debian/sid compatible, nothing else.

But in a lot of other threads your answears are friendly and very helpful, M-Audio card works like a charme :-)

Micha, my comment should not be an offense, but I try to understand the situation of @sqlpython after such kind of answear.

Kind regards,


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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #12 on: 2012/07/10, 23:22:01 »
^ Always good too spell things out. Serves not only those asking but if correct instructive for those searching..

being compared with some Aptisod guys isn't really what I want.

 viewing it objectively though by comparision to...You could get a job there. If you used that post as a resume' ..   :)

  Anyhow, I should also say Thank You. You always get points for JSU (just showing up).. and you put some important info on the table. Does not matter if I believe that it applies to me or not... just me being selfish.. :^)

Don't be a stranger.. peace

Offline Lanzi

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #13 on: 2012/07/11, 00:03:39 »
@sqlpython: If nobody else mentioned it before, I would welcome you to siduction! :-)

Even if you already have more than 50 postings, I have the impression, that you are quite new to our little family.
You will appreciate being here a you will get a very nice distro with a lot of the devs and other helpful hands around, always trying to help and make linux better!

If our english sometimes seems less polite, I beg for patience and forgiveness, since a lot of ppl here have english a second or third language.

Offline michaa7

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RE: Updates Yes/No ?
« Reply #14 on: 2012/07/11, 00:40:32 »
ok, so we are doing some lessons and brush up my diplomatic skills:

I am polite, and I am rough. Maybe I wanted to reproach, I for sure didn't want to offend. But I still cannot understand how someone can install an OS without any basic info. I mean "RTFM" is seldomly the right answer, but I remembered sqlpython by his avatar and thus knew he wasn't a complete newbee. An with 17 years of linux experience I would assume someone has done some basic homework before even installing something. That's different from someone coming from windows who knows nothing.

So if my answers really remind you Aptosid people, I have to think it over. But still, I wanted to be clear, and if this borders a reproach, I do not have much against it.

Dammit ... maybe I better shut up .. for a while.

You are right, me too ;-)
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake