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Author Topic: [EN] Suggestions  (Read 10884 times)


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[EN] Suggestions
« Reply #15 on: 2012/09/21, 14:44:21 »
No, I was just insulted.

The community reminds me of sidux (i.e. the sidux days).

Sid is supposed to require more manual evaluation as way more can go wrong, I'm sure.  Packages mismatch and so on.  

I have done the same kind of procedures in Debian and Mepis but usually, it has worked out.  I just thought siduction might have some of this configured and since most of the documentation is regarding running a Debian sid system, it sounded promising.

Online devil

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« Reply #16 on: 2012/09/21, 15:15:24 »
so to come into #siduction, saying:
Code: [Select]
<siddy> this distro sucks...crappy support and crappy documentation is what you call being insulted?

You are right, you are insulting us, our distro and users. So please go elsewhere. kthxxbye.

Offline piper

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« Reply #17 on: 2012/09/21, 18:19:58 »
Quote from: "devil"
so to come into #siduction, saying:
Code: [Select]
<siddy> this distro sucks...crappy support and crappy documentation is what you call being insulted?

You are right, you are insulting us, our distro and users. So please go elsewhere. kthxxbye.

Couldn't have said it better myself !
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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« Reply #18 on: 2012/09/21, 20:12:10 »
Yes, I was out of line.  I apologize.  Also, when I had the initial problem, I should have provided more information to help your 'side' troubleshoot.  I understand the procedure is to provide console output via pastebin or similar hosting site?

Also, yes, my familiarity is with Debian Stable and Testing (now Wheezy) so some variances to what I'm used to might occur.  

But, your admin, devil, is a dishonest and deceptive person and he's the Admin.  I'm not sure his position there but I think it is in poor taste to insult users so quickly.  He didn't include his comments.  

I thought the devs and administrators of this distro was claiming to be more user-friendly and open to the community compared to previous ventures and projects.  That is, compared to previous reputation.  Personally, I don't see it, others might perceive differently.

I just wanted to apologize for my outburst as I was frustrated and then alarmed at the reaction on the irc.  

It was my fault but I still object to the reaction primarily from devil.  

I'll go elsewhere as requested.  I'll give debian a whirl.  Lots of ppl there but maybe they won't jump the gun so quickly.  Maybe will give me some more time before insulting. :)


Online devil

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« Reply #19 on: 2012/09/21, 21:35:34 »
for the record:
today's outburst was not the first one, and to give the complete picture:

Code: [Select]
[14:37:54] <siddy> this distro sucks...crappy support and crappy documentation
[14:46:37] <towo> siddy, use another
[14:53:36] <devil> siddy: get lost.
[14:54:47] <devil> being as clueless as you are, you would not be able to tell crap from gold
[14:55:06] <siddy> this community is so cool!
[14:55:06] <devil> windows to the rescue.
[14:55:44] <siddy> I don't see why not everyone is rushing over here

5 minutes later on #debian:
Code: [Select]
[15:00:32] <devil> siddy: if you can't work with siduction, you will fail to run sid also
[15:01:21] <siddy> devil, piss off... and take your sh*t distro with you




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« Reply #20 on: 2012/09/21, 22:54:23 »
I apologized.  Yes, you said 'get lost' and something about a 3 year old being able to do ....blah, blah.

I just reacted because I was surprised an admin would act so...

Anyway, it's nothing against this distro.  I was blowing off steam from having some difficulties installing some software.  

I didn't 'lose it' until I had an admin insulting me while I was having a hard time with an install.  

I apologize if any of the community and devs took offense.  piper et al, sorry about that.  But, I'm not sure why you support an admin that insults users.  

I will try to have patience from now on (with Debian sid).  I will need to.  devil is right in thinking sid will be no easier but hopefully, I won't be belittled when I run into problems. Bye.

Offline ayla

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« Reply #21 on: 2012/09/21, 23:01:21 »
Strange people...

good luck at $any distro

Offline piper

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« Reply #22 on: 2012/09/24, 18:10:21 »
Quote from: "tuxracer"
piper et al, sorry about that.  But, I'm not sure why you support an admin that insults users.

To be honest, I live in Cheektowaga,NY and don't see no insult period.

Now, if you want to be insulted, you should hear what my toilet says after you flush it.

I have known devil for a number of years, insulting, no, telling it how it is, yes.

He's not just an admin here but also a developer along with other fine people of this community. I have the utmost respect for devil (and the rest of the team, community)

What I learned in the 90's using linux you can't be soft-skinned, it is like life in general, it has its bumps, grinds and rewards, carry on, party dude.

Maybe this distro's not for you.

Have you tried ubuntu? I heard it does everything for you and is like M$ where all you do is point and click.

sid can be frustrating if your new to it and has a learning curve and one MUST be willing to learn

I hope I didn't insult you, but I really don't think siduction is for you.
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline clubex

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« Reply #23 on: 2012/09/25, 12:57:04 »
Thankfully, only for a short time, I once had a job which entailed helping people. I taught me a lot. You had to be a "saint" (English expression). People get frustrated and angry when they can't understand how to get what they want from their purchase (even though it was supposed to be "idiot proof"!). At moments like these it's easy for them to curse the item, the people who made it and of course the poor guy who is trying to help them.

But I couldn't reciprocate (a) because of store policy, (b) the store didn't want dissatisfied customers (refunds) and (c) loss of store reputation. For me it was just a case of keeping my cool and plugging away until the user suddenly caught on to the solution. At that point most customer's mood changed instantly to one of delight and thanks once they saw how "easy" it was. I've no doubt that when this happened it led to increased store sales simply because of the rush the customer got when the solution clicked in his mind and his desire to talk about it with his friends.

I suspect it's easier when you're getting paid to help someone. I don't think I could have handled it voluntarily.


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« Reply #24 on: 2012/09/25, 22:28:29 »
Quote from: "piper"
To be honest, I live in Cheektowaga,NY and don't see no insult period.

Now, if you want to be insulted, you should hear what my toilet says after you flush it.

I have known devil for a number of years, insulting, no, telling it how it is, yes.

He's not just an admin here but also a developer along with other fine people of this community. I have the utmost respect for devil (and the rest of the team, community)

What I learned in the 90's using linux you can't be soft-skinned, it is like life in general, it has its bumps, grinds and rewards, carry on, party dude.

Maybe this distro's not for you.

Have you tried ubuntu? I heard it does everything for you and is like M$ where all you do is point and click.

sid can be frustrating if your new to it and has a learning curve and one MUST be willing to learn

I hope I didn't insult you, but I really don't think siduction is for you.
Nope, not at all.

I can tell you that I said in the channel, it's my fault and I need to change my approach.

I am still using siduction and recently upgraded the kernel. :)

I'm trying to wear a thicker skin and ride the bumps. :)

I also hope to help by using the bug filing method (i.e. siduction-bug-report).