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Author Topic: [EN] [solved] conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system  (Read 6392 times)

Offline ayla

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set up my system anew  (after gcc transition, kde-next enabled). Copied my conkyrc which worked flawlessly before to the new system.
Code: [Select]
system:    Host: nescaya Kernel: 4.2.2-towo.1-siduction-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.2.1)
           Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.4.1
           Distro: siduction 14.1.0 Indian Summer - kde - (201411230337)
Machine:   System: ASUS product: All Series
           Mobo: ASUSTeK model: H87-PRO v: Rev X.0x
           Bios: American Megatrends v: 2102 date: 07/29/2014
CPU:       Quad core Intel Core i7-4770K (-HT-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
           flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 27947
           clock speeds: max: 3500 MHz 1: 800 MHz 2: 800 MHz 3: 800 MHz 4: 800 MHz 5: 1000 MHz
           6: 800 MHz 7: 800 MHz 8: 800 MHz
Memory:    No dmidecode memory data: try newer kernel.
Graphics:  Card: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
           bus-ID: 00:02.0
           Display Server: X.Org 1.17.2 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
           Resolution: 2560x1440@59.95hz, 1920x1200@59.95hz
           GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel Haswell Desktop
           GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.6.8 Direct Rendering: Yes

relevant part of conkyrc:
Code: [Select]
-- Text alignment, other possible values are commented
--alignment top_left
    alignment = 'top_right',
--alignment bottom_left
--alignment bottom_right

-- Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x = 10,
    gap_y = 40,
my complete conkyrc: http://paste.siduction.org/20151008053655

I don't know whether this is a problem of conky or a problem of plasma 5 desktop. Sometimes after booting the system conky is on it's right place on the right side of the right monitor. On other times it appears on the right side of the left monitor.
KDE takes a long time to start after login in, about 1min or so. Sometimes one can see the conky output switching from right monitor to the left one and sometimes back again during this time.

I cant find anything which would help me to investigate further in journalctl or xorg.log.
Xorg.log: http://paste.siduction.org/20151008055221
journalctl -b: http://paste.siduction.org/20151008055419

any ideas?

« Last Edit: 2015/10/09, 06:42:21 by ayla »

Offline dibl

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #1 on: 2015/10/08, 14:03:59 »

The current version of conky, 1.10.0-1, has been a little unstable since the update from the prior version.  If I remember correctly, I upgraded to the plasma 5 from kdenext before conky was upgraded, so it is difficult to say what the cause of the instability is -- I suspect plasma.  On a single monitor system, usually when I press Alt-F2, the conky disappears.  But it is not crashed -- Ctrl-Esc shows it is still running. So I believe it is somehow going to the background behind the plasma desktop wallpaper.

FYI here is the comparable section of my conkyrc:

Code: [Select]
conky.config = {
   alignment = 'top_right',
   background = false,
   border_width = 0,
   cpu_avg_samples = 2,
   --default_color = 'white',
   --default_outline_color = 'black',
   ---default_shade_color = 'black',
   double_buffer = true,
   draw_borders = false,
   draw_graph_borders = yes,
   draw_outline = false,
   draw_shades = true,
   use_xft = true,
   font = 'terminus:size=9',
   gap_x = 10,
   gap_y = 50,
   maximum_width = 345,
   minimum_width = 345,                                                                                                                         
   net_avg_samples = 2,                                                                                                                         
   out_to_console = false,                                                                                                                     
   out_to_stderr = false,                                                                                                                       
   extra_newline = false,                                                                                                                       
   own_window = true,                                                                                                                           
   own_window_type = 'desktop',                                                                                                                 
   own_window_class = 'Conky',                                                                                                                 
   own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',                                                                       
   own_window_transparent = true,
   --stippled_borders = 0,
   update_interval = 0.6,
   uppercase = false,
   use_spacer = none,
   show_graph_scale = false,
   show_graph_range = false,
   text_buffer_size = 4096,
   temperature_unit = 'fahrenheit',
   double_buffer = true,
   short_units = true,
   own_window_argb_visual = true,
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline ayla

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #2 on: 2015/10/08, 19:44:09 »
Hi dibl,

compared your snippet of the rc to mine and its broadly the same.

My biggest suspicion is also some problem with plasma 5, but that leaves me without any clue how I could find the reason...

Alt+F2 leaves my conky untouched. Will try again after reboots.


Offline dibl

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #3 on: 2015/10/08, 21:18:03 »
A quick test indicates that my disappearing conky is only when I am using the "slideshow" desktop image.  It stays up when I go to the solid color.  Didn't test with a static image but that should be the same as solid color.
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline ayla

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #4 on: 2015/10/08, 21:41:46 »
hmmm... I'm using slideshow images also.

will test whether it switches from screen to screen with static images.

EDIT: The switch between the monitors goes on when I'm using unicolors. But: KDE comes up imidiatly, so the long time gap seems to be caused by slideshow.

EDIT2: When I'm using static images the gap is back. KDE takes 30s to 1min to come up. Conky seems to switch it's place randomly on every reboot, as before.

ALT+F2 does not interfere with conky here.
« Last Edit: 2015/10/08, 21:57:17 by ayla »

Offline unklarer

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #5 on: 2015/10/08, 23:01:42 »
Leider bin ich des Englisch nicht mächtig...   :-[

Is it in the Startup a sleep
built for conky? He starts as the last on the desktop?

Offline ayla

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #6 on: 2015/10/09, 05:01:33 »
summary for our german users:

Hallo unklarer,

es geht um etwas eigenartiges Verhalten von conky, wobei dibl und ich den starken Verdacht haben dass gar nicht conky der Auslöser ist sondern Plasma 5.
Bei mir wechselt conky bei einem System mit 2 Monitoren nach dem booten scheinbar zufällig seinen Platz vom richtigen -rechter Monitor, rechter Rand- zum linken Monitor, rechter Rand. Mein System ist neu aufgesetzt und letztes WE mit kdenext upgedatet, vorher lief conky -ebenfalls mit kdenext und Update mit händischer Korrektur nachdem Santa Entwarnung gegeben hatte- mit der gleichen conkyrc problemlos.

Mein KDE braucht vom Zeitpunkt des login bis zum fertigen Desktop 30s bis 1min, während dieser Zeit kann man conky zwischen den Monitoren wechseln sehen. Diese Zeit braucht es sowohl mit der Diaschau als Desktophintergrund als auch mit einfachen Bildern . Benutze ich hingegen den einfarbigen Hintergrund ist mein Desktop sofort verfügbar, am Wechseln von conky ändert sich dabei nichts.

Bei dibl verschwindet conky wenn er die Diaschau als Hintergrund hat und die Tatenkombi Alt+F2 benutzt, ist aber weiterhin am Laufen, wie Cntr+Esc zeigt. Bei einfarbigem Hintergrund bleibt conky sichtbar beim Benutzen der Tastencombi.

Mein conky wird über ein Bashscript im den Autostart gestartet, an eine Verzögerung hatte ich noch nicht gedacht aber das ist eine gute Idee.

Werde es ausprobieren.

My conky starts via bashscript in autostart, I haven't thought about delaying it so far, but that seems a good idea to me, will try out and report back.

« Last Edit: 2015/10/09, 05:33:20 by ayla »

Offline ayla

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Re: conky does not keep it's place on a two monitor system
« Reply #7 on: 2015/10/09, 06:41:26 »
Ok, delaying conky by changing the .desktop file in .config/autostart to the following helps. Conky is on the right place now on every reboot.
Found the necessary change on ubuntuusers wiki.

Ok, eine Startverzögerung von conky in seinem .desktopfile in .config/autostart hilft. Conky bleibt bei jedem reboot wo es sein sollte. Die nötige Änderung habe ich im ubuntuusers wiki gefunden. Danke für den Tipp, unklarer.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c "sleep 30; /usr/bin/conky"

This does not change the long start delay of KDE/ Dies ändert nichts an der langen Startverzögerung von KDE.


Offline unklarer

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Hallo ayla,

vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung und deine Übersetzung des Problem.

Es freut mich, dass das nun bei dir klappt. Conky sollte immer erst erscheinen/starten, wenn der
Desktop fertig ist.

Ich habe hier nun mal versucht mit deinem Conky das Problem von @dibl nachzustellen. Allerdings unter KaOS (Danke nochmal an @devil für den Tipp), weil ich siduction nur mit Lxqt und Fluxbox be-

Wenn ich deinen conky mit den relevanten Einstellungen von dibl benutze, kriege ich das mit der
Tastenkompi Alt+F2 auch. Genauso, wenn ich einen Klick auf den Desktop ausführe.
Verantwortlich dafür ist seine Einstellung
Code: [Select]
own_window_type = 'desktop',die sollte er mal herausnehmen.  ;)

Offline dibl

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I have always used a delay of 5 or 10 seconds on my conky launch, to make sure all other startup processes were finished.  However, with this long KDE 5 start, I increased it to a 30 second delay some days ago.
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline ayla

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Hi dibl,

unklarer said: He tried my conky settings with the relevant part of your settings. He can reproduce your Alt+F2 disappearing of conky under KaOS then.
Responsible setting:
Code: [Select]
own_window_type = 'desktop'He suggests to try and comment this out.

Yes, I remember a thread some time ago where problems with conky got fixed with a start delay, I simply forgot
Ja, ich erinnere mich an einen Thread vor einiger Zeit wo Probleme mit conky durch eine Startverzögerung gelöst wurden, ich habs einfach wieder vergessen.


Offline dibl

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Unklarer ist offenbar korrect!

Actually, with that line commented out, conky would not launch.  Also, (even though the the manual says "normal" is default), if I left it blank conky would not launch.  But, when I set it to "normal", conky launches correctly and I cannot make it disappear with Alt-F2, so I think this is a good fix.

Vielen dank, unklarer und ayla.   :)
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO