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Author Topic: [EN] A ghost from the past: akonadi_googlecontacts_resource (resolved)  (Read 2533 times)

Offline Lanzi

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I had in a former siduction installation under KDE4 an addon to read google contacts for Kaddressbook.It was called "akonadi_googlecontacts_resource" and I thought, I installed it via apt.
Since I recently added the old backup of copntact to a new kaddressbook with an *vcf I now have the following errormessage, indicating, that "akonadi_googlecontacts_resource" wants to open kwallet.how get I rid of this... I am quite sure (not 100%, but I also do not find it with apt), that the addon is not installed...Any hints, where I can search Akonadi-Addons?
« Last Edit: 2018/10/21, 00:57:02 by Lanzi »

Offline Lanzi

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Re: A ghost from the past: akonadi_googlecontacts_resource
« Reply #1 on: 2018/10/20, 17:44:11 »
I solved it by myself.
installing and opening "akonadiconsole", I could remove the component. Lets hope, it never comes back  ;D
I leave the thread, so maybe somebodyelse is stumbeling over the same problem :)

Offline tommy2

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Re: A ghost from the past: akonadi_googlecontacts_resource
« Reply #2 on: 2018/10/20, 18:31:45 »
@Lanzi, good to hear that you resolved your problem. Though it might be a good idea to change the title to [resolved] so others can see that a solution has been found, thanks.  :)

Offline Lanzi

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