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Author Topic:  Forum time zone  (Read 5144 times)

Offline titan

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Forum time zone
« on: 2020/09/10, 09:40:04 »
What time zone is the forum in I have just posted, forum says 22,31,  local time here  (uk) is 08.31 so Germany is 09.31 USA 00.31 -03.21

Offline unklarer

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Re: Forum time zone
« Reply #1 on: 2020/09/10, 17:29:59 »
The forum is in the time zone Europe/Berlin.

Time zones, which I need to know, I display on the desktop with Conky.

the code:
Code: [Select]
Boot: ${alignr}${execi 86400 who -b | cut -c23-}
New York         ${alignr}${tztime America/New_York %H:%M}
Buenos Aires     ${alignr}${tztime America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires %H:%M}
Kastoria         ${alignr}${tztime Europe/Athens %H:%M}

Offline der_bud

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Re: Forum time zone
« Reply #2 on: 2020/09/10, 21:17:38 »
titan, perhaps you might want to look in your forum user account under 'design & layout', there are settings for time shift between forum server and your local time
Du lachst? Wieso lachst du? Das ist doch oft so, Leute lachen erst und dann sind sie tot.

Offline titan

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Re: Forum time zone
« Reply #3 on: 2020/09/11, 09:16:38 »
Thanks, fixed. It does say auto detect which defaults to cet if no figure is entered, no idea why mine had -11 hour offset, I had never looked at profile page.


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Re: Forum time zone
« Reply #4 on: 2020/12/31, 17:44:40 »
That's strange, you're supposed to find the timezone when registering an account on the forum, but I'm glad you could fix it.