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Author Topic: [EN] New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?  (Read 9933 times)

Offline Lanzi

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[EN] New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« on: 2020/09/26, 00:06:11 »
I installed some weeks agoo the new isobuilt iso.SInce KDESU isn't integrated any longer I look for ideas to start krusader in root mode.
  • Starting from a root konsole causes problems when coping and deleting files. Sometimes it down't work (with and without error message.
  • Starting from Krusader (with the root krusader icon) doesn't work. My password is not accepted.
  • An actual kubunto LTS let me start krusader from the root icon within krusader. So there should be a solution.

Offline hendrikL

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #1 on: 2020/09/26, 07:58:40 »
Which password isn't accepted?
The #root pw or the $user pw?
Maybe you need the $user-pw like sudo wants?

But deleting files or copy/moving them as root can also be done by using the konsole, like cp. mv or rm.

And IIRC, kde decided not to  allow such actions in graphical tools because ..........
« Last Edit: 2020/09/26, 08:01:42 by hendrikL »

Offline der_bud

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #2 on: 2020/09/26, 14:41:05 »
You could try if this solution from debianforum.de works for you:
Quote from: willy4711
Code: [Select]
Du lachst? Wieso lachst du? Das ist doch oft so, Leute lachen erst und dann sind sie tot.

Offline Lanzi

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #3 on: 2020/09/27, 20:09:36 »
Which password isn't accepted? The #root pw or the $user pw?

Both are not accepted:
- the rootpassword lets the windows freeze for about 10s, then it is popping up again
- the user password gives me the following:
Code: [Select]
"Der Zugriff wird verweigert.Möglicherweise wurde das falsche Passwort verwendet. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Auf manchen Systemen ist die Zugehörigkeit zu einer speziellen Gruppe (oft: wheel) für das Verwenden dieser Anwendung notwendig".
I tried to add my user to the group "wheel" by "usermod -aG wheel USER".

You could try if this solution from debianforum.de works for you:
Quote from: willy4711
Code: [Select]

That open also a root-krusader. I will test, if it performs all tasks. Thanks!

Honestly I would prefer a solution, without a console window open. By clicking on the root-krusader icon or with KDEsu. Does anybody how to archive this?

My old siduction which I now replaced could still use KDEsu, but I do not know, what to do to make it run on my new system.
In /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/ there is a programm called KDESU.

I found in this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044354/kdesu-not-working

Code: [Select]
kdesu is installed (as part of kde-cli-tools) but is not in your $PATH by default. You can access the binary from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu (and create a symlink in your /usr/local/bin directory

So I linked it to usr/local/bin. The KDE-Su window opens, like klicking on the root-krusadericon (see above), and both my passwords are not accepted.

Offline axt

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #4 on: 2020/09/27, 20:33:48 »
Quote from: Lanzi
Honestly I would prefer a solution, without a console window open.

Where's the problem? Create a .desktop file with the pkexec line in "Exec=" and "Terminal=false"!

Offline sunrat

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #5 on: 2020/09/28, 11:29:13 »
Don't do this!  :P ;D
There's a KDE root actions service menu which allows you to right click in Dolphin and perform a few tasks like opening Dolphin or Konsole in root mode. I think it just uses pkexec commands like der_bud posted.
Dirty hack but I've been using without any problems for a long time now. It's from one of the devs at MX Linux.

Offline Lanzi

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #6 on: 2020/10/02, 17:19:29 »
Sorry for the late repley.

@sunrat: i looked at the repo, and the software was last developed 2015... I am uncertain... and it only works from Dolphin? could you please check, if the contextmenu appears from krusader?

i didn't suceed:

my file is

Code: [Select]

I also tried:
Code: [Select]

As well as both without "#!/bin/sh"
I made the file executeable, but in best case "kate" was opend. What did I do wrong?

Offline sunrat

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #7 on: 2020/10/03, 01:09:45 »
@sunrat: i looked at the repo, and the software was last developed 2015... I am uncertain... and it only works from Dolphin? could you please check, if the contextmenu appears from krusader?

Oops, my bad. The latest version is from 2019 for the current MX. Took a bit to find as it's under "r" in the repo, go figure. I actually have the 2017 version installed in siduction and it works fine. Guess I should update it.

I don't have Krusader installed so can't test it. Presumably if Krusader supports KDE service menus it should work. I'm pretty sure the MX version is just an updated fork of one from the KDE Store. A few of the MX devs use Dolphin even though their default DE is Xfce as it's miles better than Thunar. MX also has recently released a KDE version.

Offline axt

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #8 on: 2020/10/04, 01:23:46 »
Quote from: Lanzi
i didn't suceed

The pkexec line as such works in a terminal. As a call in a .desktop file additional work is necessary:

pkexec command in a .desktop file

Tested. Works.

Btw., lest you forget that this krusader instance runs as root, you should import a different color scheme (midnight_commander.color). Apart from that, let it run anyway only as long as it is really needed.

« Last Edit: 2020/10/04, 01:42:29 by axt »

Offline hendrikL

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #9 on: 2020/10/04, 14:11:43 »
Mal kurz zu sudo zurück,
bin mir nicht sicher ob Du weißt was Du da tust!

I am not shure if you know what you are doing there and how to use sudo!

Both are not accepted:
- the rootpassword lets the windows freeze for about 10s, then it is popping up again
- the user password gives me the following:
Code: [Select]
"Der Zugriff wird verweigert.Möglicherweise wurde das falsche Passwort verwendet. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Auf manchen Systemen ist die Zugehörigkeit zu einer speziellen Gruppe (oft: wheel) für das Verwenden dieser Anwendung notwendig".
I tried to add my user to the group "wheel" by "usermod -aG wheel USER".

1. gib uns die Ausgabe von 'groups' als entsprechender $user
give us the output of groups as $user

2. die Ausgabe von 'cat /etc/sudoers' als #root, also entweder sudo cat ...., oder halt su <pw> und dann cat /....!
and the output of 'cat /etc/sudoers' as #root
« Last Edit: 2020/10/04, 14:52:46 by hendrikL »

Offline axt

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #10 on: 2020/10/04, 23:47:58 »
Quote from: hendrikL
Mal kurz zu sudo zurück,

Ach, wheel ist doch auch toll (ich bin drin, grin)...wenn man nicht Debian fährt. ;-)

Lanzi, es ist Dir alles genannt worden:

  • pkexec-Zeile, die man so in einem Terminal ausführen könnte
  • Wiki-Link zum Aufbau eines .desktop-Files
  • Link zur Besonderheit von pkexec in .desktop-Files

Links werden nicht aus Langeweile gepostet.

Offline sunrat

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #11 on: 2020/10/05, 01:17:38 »
Guys, this is Software Support (EN) subforum and the thread started in English. I'm used to running translator when reading German subforums but this is just weird.

Offline hendrikL

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #12 on: 2020/10/05, 06:16:47 »
sorry, it was my fault!

Offline hendrikL

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #13 on: 2020/10/05, 10:39:11 »

I looked into the setup menu of the krusader.
"user-action menu"
If you set up sudo properly  it will work!

Offline Lanzi

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Re: New Plasma Install - how to start Krusader in root mode?
« Reply #14 on: 2020/10/26, 22:06:30 »
Thanks for your help. I was away for three weeks. I will check everything this weekend.