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@michaa7: You may do so, but "testing" are just the packages from "unstable", that have proven to be "non-destructive" for more than six(?) weeks and a lot of not (yet) included ones. Further, the largest part of Siduction is "unstable" (sid). @towo may correct me, but the main differences lie in the kernel and the full-story (fll) parts (and of course artwork and some valuable bug-fixes).
In my eyes "testing" becomes valuable first (and may be only), when the transition to "stable" is imminent (bug squashing parties, smooth(er) transition paths and so on). Otherwise it is only a less disruptive "unstable".
This is, why I would do so in one step. One has just to decide, which packages of Siduction should additionally be included.
Apart from first trying to upgrade with a cloned system, I, if if really wanted to upgrade my system from Debian stable to Debian/sid(uction), would go step by step:

Debian/stable -> Debian/testing -> Debian/sid -> Siduction

To me this seems the predestined path to go ...

You can't skip a hurdle (= testing), because effectively you piling up consecutive hurdles if you try to skip one.
Siduction News / Re: siduction Treff 2024 in ?
« Last post by devil on 2024/09/28, 09:52:48 »
In diesem Jahr wird es wieder im Berliner Raum stattfinden. Alles andere ist so kurzfristig nicht zu planen. Die Idee, sowas mal in Augsburg zu machen ist nicht uninteressant, weil dann könnte man bestimmt in den Räumen von Tuxedo vor dem Essen bestimmt ein Dev-Treffen veranstalten, um Pläne für siduction zu machen. Das kann man ja mal fürs nächste Jahr ins Auge fassen. Und Augsburg bietet auch was zum Anschauen.

Da der Oktober näher rückt, benötigen wir langsam ein Datum. Ich habe zur Terminfindung mal ein Noodle erstellt: https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de/PtazLXzZWcdm22le. Wenn ihr alternative Termine habt, trage ich sie dort gerne ein.
Software - Support / Re: Libreoffice
« Last post by devil on 2024/09/28, 09:37:19 »
Danke dafür. Falls nicht bereits geschehen, bitte als Bug bei LO melden.
@centro, which desktop environment are you using? I assume you have reviewed and tried the sleep/suspend/resume methods in this wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/Suspend
To get an impression of what would happen, I would "clone" my existing system to an external Device (SSD, "Flash", HD, or even SD-Card) or to a Virtual Machine on your existing system; the latter if you have enough free disk space.

this is a GREAT suggestion I had definitely not thought about, thanks!
Regarding updates, I've been checking many unstable maintenance guides and I now know the drill, whenever apt suggests weird or huge changes, either upgrade instead of dist-upgrade, or hold back something, or wait a while and try again  8)
"But" you would be going from Debian to a Debian-derived system with a majority of "just Debian" packages, too, so mainly a transition from stable to unstable (skipping testing).
To get an impression of what would happen, I would "clone" my existing system to an external Device (SSD, "Flash", HD, or even SD-Card) or to a Virtual Machine on your existing system; the latter if you have enough free disk space. At this point, I would leave out the "user data", i.e everything from /home, assuming that this contains the bulk of your data.
 And then I would "dist-upgrade" it, by just entering the Repository URLs of Siduction and see what happens. Is it smooth or rough, complicated or simple etc? If you do not like, what you see, just re-use the external device or storage or destroy the VM.
Otherwise you can upgrade "your system".
But be prepared, that some things do not (always) work as expected - the danger of "unstable" -, though this is most often just temporarily. Your life (and even your business) should not depend on it to be working all the time. By watching the (Siduction) forum before doing updates, you can avoid a lot of such trouble, though ;). On the other hand you should (dist-)upgrade regularly and often, as long as no trouble is in sight. An "old" unstable "rots" easily.
Be also advised, that unstable may be vulnerable to security problems as nobody has tested for these thoroughly. It is not "testing"! On the other hand, noone gets fixes faster then unstable :).
Good look!
Thank you for the lateral approach in your reply, you did give me some hope  :)
I didn't research more carefully before the switch from windows to linux back then, as I missed out on siduction, so right now it would feel too big of an effort to start from scratch moving data and customizations across ssds and then distros.

In any case, I did not find any such advanced settings on the internet to tweak the CPU power management, if this is even about the CPU and not something else.

Reality is, I'd really like to switch to siduction no matter what, but avoiding the start-from-scratch part  :P
Software - Support / Re: Libreoffice
« Last post by ravarth on 2024/09/27, 12:31:07 »
Syntaxfehler kommt, wenn in Makros Zeilen mit  #  ausgeblendet sind.
Wenn vorhanden diese Zeilen in Makros entfernen
First, I have been using siduction and its predecessors exclusively for almost 15 years and find it fully satisfactory for my needs, so I'm a fan.  :D

However, seeing your desire to maintain your stable preferences and configurations, I would say you might be better off spending your efforts on the power management issues, if that's the only problem you're having with Debian. It's been a very long time since I needed to fiddle with cpu power management adjustments, but there used to be a plethora of settings available to twiddle.

Two cents' worth.  Good luck.
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