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Siduction Forum => Free Speech => Topic started by: vilde on 2013/11/30, 00:53:53

Title: Why use 64 bit?
Post by: vilde on 2013/11/30, 00:53:53
I red somewhere that there are linux users and developers also who always use 32 bit os on their new 64 bit computers to avoid problems when needing to use applications which are not true 64 bit. We can read in the d-u warnings about frequently problems with multiarch installations.  As I understand theoretical it must be that a 64 bit machine should work at the double of the speed of a 32 bit, but in reality it's not like that or? So how much do I loose to run the 32 bit version on my 64 bit systems, just to avoid a lot of problems? Whats the benefit with using 64 bit os?
Title: Re: Why use 64 bit?
Post by: melmarker on 2013/11/30, 02:54:19
True answer? There are not many reasons for a normal desktop user to run 64bit - you mention the problems with debian and multiarch.

* Processes can only handle memory up to 2G - imho this will be not happend so often on a desktop
* without PAE-Kernels you can handle max 4G of Ram - minus the address-space reserved for drivers, bios etc.
* you can't compile programs for 64bit
* you can't run 64bit chroots
* you can't run virtual machines with 64bit
* you are loosing nerd-points
* all people around will ask you, why you prefer 32 bit (this really sucks), i mentioned the lost nerd-points before :)

* third party apps (mostly the commercial ones) run without any problems, a short list: teamviewer, skype, beyond compare...
* you are not hit by multiarch problems
* you have only one architecture
* you have a less complex system
* you will have slightly less problems with prop. drivers (no need for 2 archs)

I don't give a recommendation - i use 64bits on all my machines and operating systems. Mostly because i need to compile and test booth architectures :)