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Author Topic: [EN] Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by siduction?  (Read 8951 times)


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Hi siduction buddies,
Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by siduction? h2 keeps on supporting the script for the debian distros. Besides, based in sid like aptosid.

Offline devil

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Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by siduction?
« Reply #1 on: 2011/09/09, 10:39:04 »
It will not be supported or recommended. if you use it, you are on your own. Other than with sidux/aptosid, we do not restrict discussion about it though.


Offline GoinEasy9

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RE: Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by siducti
« Reply #2 on: 2011/09/09, 23:52:54 »
I don't really think siduction has to support h2's scripts, he supports them on techpatterns.  If we are using a distro that's based on Debian, we would assume support if an app is in the Debian repos.  Since no one has packaged any of his scripts for Debian, and h2 shows no interest in doing so, we must think of these as third party scripts and not part of siduction.

It's funny, I just saw a maintainer for Fedora just ask if he could package scsi, an audio converter script that even h2 forgot he had, and inxi is packaged in quite a few Debian based distro's at present and has aliases in a couple of IRC clients, including Konversation.  I'm amazed no one has packaged it.

Anyway, some of us use the scripts, some not, if support is needed, techpatterns would be the place to go.  I'm sure they will be discussed here, but I think any technical discussions would be separate from the siduction support team.
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Re: RE: Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by sid
« Reply #3 on: 2011/09/10, 00:02:57 »
Quote from: "GoinEasy9"
I don't really think siduction has to support h2's scripts, he supports them on techpatterns.  If we are using a distro that's based on Debian, we would assume support if an app is in the Debian repos.  Since no one has packaged any of his scripts for Debian, and h2 shows no interest in doing so, we must think of these as third party scripts and not part of siduction.

It's funny, I just saw a maintainer for Fedora just ask if he could package scsi, an audio converter script that even h2 forgot he had, and inxi is packaged in quite a few Debian based distro's at present and has aliases in a couple of IRC clients, including Konversation.  I'm amazed no one has packaged it.

Anyway, some of us use the scripts, some not, if support is needed, techpatterns would be the place to go.  I'm sure they will be discussed here, but I think any technical discussions would be separate from the siduction support team.

I agree with your point of view.Techpatterns is the right place to support the script smxi/sgfxi.


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RE: Re: RE: Is the script smxi and sgfxi wil be supported by
« Reply #4 on: 2011/09/10, 14:19:37 »
smxi, sgfxi, rbxi, exoodles and inxi (and many more) friendly user-support can also be found via IRC in #smxi on OFTC. just one /join away from #siduction-de

In 99% of all cases smxi will solve problems and not generate new ones. For the 1%, feel free to just ask.
