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Author Topic: [EN] Error installing on HP2133 Netbook  (Read 4316 times)


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[EN] Error installing on HP2133 Netbook
« on: 2012/05/08, 14:39:32 »
I've been trying to install Siduction XFCE (one-step beyond release) on my HP2133 netbook (Via processor, 1Gb Ram). But I consistently get an error:
Code: [Select]

O: loading modules
O: Initialisation done
O: starting installation
O: starting load_config
O: load the configuration
O: starting prepareHD
O: prepare disk for the installation
O: Mounting
O: starting copy2HD
O: copy the CD into the harddisk
E: Error copying iso to harddisk
O: siduction-installer ended abnormally

There is nothing in /var/log that I can find (after the failure, the last file modified there was kern.log and that was the record of mounting the various partitions), and the root partition (12Gb) is only 22% full at the time of the failure.

I have checked the MD5sums of the ISO image and tried both a USB stick and a DVD.

I have also tried the KDE version and get the same error.

Does anybody have any suggestions for further diagnosing the problem?

Offline devil

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Error installing on HP2133 Netbook
« Reply #1 on: 2012/05/08, 14:47:34 »
Where is the log from?
There should be a more elaborate one in /tmp after the install fails.
Right now I have no idea, what could cause this. On the coming weekend, given that sid plays fair, there will be a RC for 2012.1. Maybe you want to try that.



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RE: Error installing on HP2133 Netbook
« Reply #2 on: 2012/05/08, 15:52:23 »
That's the log from the Iceweasel window.

I'll give it another shot and see what shows up in /tmp.


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RE: Error installing on HP2133 Netbook
« Reply #3 on: 2012/05/08, 16:41:58 »
I've tried again, but there was nothing useful in /tmp or /var/tmp that I could see. The only thing updated during the install process was a directory  /tmp/fll-installer.<random> that remained empty and was deleted when the installer stopped.

The installer was showing 60%, "Copying files" at the time (and had been for a while).