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Author Topic:  recover after faulty dist-upgrade  (Read 6960 times)

Offline ayla

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recover after faulty dist-upgrade
« Reply #15 on: 2013/08/22, 12:17:54 »
ah, ok, I misunderstood this.



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recover after faulty dist-upgrade
« Reply #16 on: 2013/08/23, 18:19:04 »
Just to shed a bit of light on this, when the OP appeared in IRC, I happened to be in #siduction with locsmif, agaida, ratcheer and later piper - who all worked with me on a GRUB2 upgrade that had an issue.

The relevant part of the log is here; I am certain that 'shush' is the OP, because the forum post about the identical problem appeared a few minutes after his departure from the channel. ( I happened to see it myself).  The truth is, he entered the channel, asked for help and gave no information, waited a whole minute or two, and left.

Just in case the OP should read my post here, please take this advice in the manner it's given - state your problem, ask what the folks need to help you, and then be patient.  I assure you, if people are listening in the channel, someone WILL respond (sometimes sooner, sometimes later).  But, if you give no helpful information, and people are busy supporting others who ARE providing the needed info, who do you think is going to get helped first?

I can say with all honesty that these are some of the most patient and cooperative guys *anywhere* on IRC.

<thunderrd> go to the manual page and then follow the links on the left side
* Tartie has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
<thunderrd> package management and dist-upgrade
<thunderrd> APT Cookbook
<arno911> i see it
<arno911> confirmed :)
<thunderrd> k
<thunderrd> glad to be of service


* der_bud (~netbud@p5098d62a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #siduction
<arno911> hi shush
<shush> hi
<shush> please help to restore after dist-upgrade
<shush> only black screen no kde welcome
<thunderrd> Today I upgraded my box to grub2.  everything works OK, but the os-prober does not write my other linux OS to grub.cfg, even after it recognizes it and I run update-grub.  Did I miss a step?
<shush> it was yesterday night
* shush (~55409a0a@webuser.thegrebs.com) has left #siduction
<locsmif> thunderrd: hmmm
<locsmif> Did you manually edit grub.cfg too?
<thunderrd> no, I did not want to do that
<thunderrd> at least, not yet
<thunderrd> Im an old hand at the old grub, but I'm not completely comfortable with g2
<thunderrd> grub-mkconfig *appears* to do all the right stuff, it reports that the other Linux OS is found, but nothing appears in /grub.d/30_os-prober, nor in grub.cfg
<ratcheer> thunderrd: Did you try my suggestion about the grub menu fonts? If so, did it work?
* mdmarmer (~mdmarmer@adsl-68-73-102-115.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net) has joined #siduction
<locsmif> why should anything appear in 30_os-prober?
* siducer774 (~siducer@ has joined #siduction
<thunderrd> hang on, ratcheer what suggestion
<siducer774> hi
<locsmif> If I recall correctly, and if that is what it looks like, it's merely a script to be run in a certain sequence (30 indicating about where it starts)
<locsmif> but okay, it doesn't appear in grub.cfg either
<thunderrd> locsmif, if I understand correctly, you have to make your edits in the scripts in /etc/grub.d, and not directly in grub.cfg
<locsmif> ok
<thunderrd> now, Ive not done anything as yet, I came here first
<siducer774> quick question?
<ratcheer> About your grub menu fonts...
<thunderrd> the 30_os-prober script is supposed to write the corresponding section in grub.cfg
* siducer774 has quit ()
<thunderrd> ahh...sorry, I had to step away before.  I solved that one already, though.  did it through grub-mkconfig
<thunderrd> vga=791
<ratcheer> Ok

Offline ayla

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recover after faulty dist-upgrade
« Reply #17 on: 2013/08/23, 19:24:00 »
Quote from: "thunderrd"

I can say with all honesty that these are some of the most patient and cooperative guys *anywhere* on IRC.

That is what I'm thinking too, forum or IRC. So I was a little bewildered, but devil's and now your post set my misunderstanding clear. Sorry.