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Author Topic: [EN] has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?  (Read 3267 times)


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[EN] has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« on: 2016/12/17, 15:54:33 »
did apt dist-upgrade just now.  i am not certain if i have gotten Tomb to work since i switched to Siduction,
so this might not be an upgrade problem but just a general problem.

cryptsetup 1.7.3
tomb 2.2
Linux big 4.9.0-towo.1-siduction-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT siduction 4.9-1 (2016-12-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux

cannot mount, error is
Code: [Select]
tomb [D] asking password with tty=/dev/pts/0 lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8
tomb [D] using pinentry-gtk2
tomb [D] get_lukskey
tomb [W] Attempting key recovery.
tomb [D] get_lukskey returns 0
tomb  .  Password OK.
tomb [E] Failure mounting the encrypted file.

i tried creating the mountpoint with various permissions, i tried reinstalling tomb.  i checked for tomb
dependencies.  i am running it with sudo.  it looks like its failing on the Cryptsetup luksOpen line but i have no idea
how to determine why.

i cannot find any other information in the log files.  i used -D (verbose) option in Tomb.  just wondering if anyone has
figured it out, or knows how to find more info on the problem.  i tried tail /var/log/syslog and tail /var/log/auth.log
i dont know where else to look.  in the meantime my files are locked up!
« Last Edit: 2016/12/17, 17:14:26 by dcarrco »


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Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #1 on: 2016/12/18, 17:19:38 »
I have this same problem on arch linux / antergos after last update... please help. I dont have access to many important things :(

tomb [D] Identified caller: tomasz (1000:100)
tomb[D] Tomb command: open priv.tomb
tomb[D] Caller: uid[1000], gid[100], tty[/dev/pts/2].
tomb[D] Temporary directory: /tmp/zsh
tomb .  Commanded to open tomb priv.tombtomb[D] is_valid_tomb priv.tomb
tomb .  Valid tomb file found: priv.tombtomb[D] load_key argument: priv.tomb.key                                                                                                                                                       
tomb[D] load_key: priv.tomb.key                                                                                                                                                                 
tomb[D] is_valid_key                                                                                                                                                                           
tomb .  Key is valid.tomb .  Mountpoint not specified, using default: /run/media/tomasz/privtomb(*) Opening priv on /run/media/tomasz/privtomb .  This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device.tomb .  Cipher is "aes" mode "xts-plain64:sha256" hash "sha1"tomb[D] dev mapper device: tomb.priv.1482078097.loop0
tomb[D] Tomb key: priv.tomb.key
tomb[D] Tomb name: priv (to be engraved)
tomb .  A password is required to use key priv.tomb.keytomb[D] asking password with tty=/dev/pts/2 lc-ctype=pl_PL.UTF-8
tomb[D] using pinentry-gtk2
** (pinentry-gtk-2:22641): WARNING **: it took 361 tries to grab the keyboard
tomb[D] get_lukskey
tomb[D] get_lukskey returns 0
tomb .  Password OK.tomb[E] Failure mounting the encrypted file.

EDIT: In the future, please use code tags for better readability (piper, moderator)
« Last Edit: 2016/12/18, 17:37:22 by piper »

Offline michaaa62

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  • Posts: 299
Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #2 on: 2016/12/18, 18:31:59 »
Tomb seems to be a wrapper for cryptsetup.
Did you try to open your encrypted files with the plain
Code: [Select]
cryptsetup luksOpen command, ust to get them unencrypted?


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Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #3 on: 2017/02/06, 03:01:28 »
re: michaaa62 -- Great Idea! I'll try: CODE: "cryptsetup luksOpen" -- Going to have to research the exact command to mimic the the tomb command. Any hints? Or just read the 'man' and backwards engineer the code? 8)

 I've having this problem too!  >:( Quite the headache and a computer guys worse nightmare. ie. Locked outta their encrypted and even worse when you know the password for sure.

 Any one else had this Problem or fixed it yet?


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Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #4 on: 2017/02/06, 12:07:09 »
sit and wait, this  "gnupg-agent:amd64 (2.1.18-3, 2.1.18-4)"  is the culprit.
Upgrading always my sid-clone or siduction-clone, never done it to my working system.
Then tell it the developer (or post it here), so he will look and compile it again.
That`s the way of all unstable or rolling distros.
Mageia cauldron is the hell of all and Debian unstable is gold. ;)

Cloning a system with Clonezilla takes only 2 minutes except your private dates, that`s all. ;)

See you :D


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Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #5 on: 2017/02/06, 23:25:07 »
This is the command and the result when I try to open the Tomb files.

Versions of dependencies:
-zsh 5.0.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
-pinentry-curses (pinentry) 0.8.3
-cryptsetup 1.6.6
-gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.18
-Sudo version 1.8.10p3
-GnuPG-agent VERSION: <--- installed | Latest VERSION: 2.0.26-6+deb8u1 (available, not installed)

Downgraded GnuPG-agent version; still same result.

Code: [Select]
user@host$  tomb open Tomb-Volume-2 -D -k Tomb-Key-2

tomb [D] Tomb command: open Tomb-Volume-2
tomb [D] Caller: uid[], gid[], tty[].
tomb [D] Using sudo for root execution of '/usr/local/bin/tomb open Tomb-Volume-2 -D -k /Tomb-Key-2'.
tomb [D] Tomb command: open /Tomb-Volume-2
tomb [D] Caller: uid[1000], gid[1000], tty[/dev/pts/0].
tomb  .  Commanded to open tomb /Tomb-Volume-2
tomb [D] Tomb found: ./Tomb-Volume-2
tomb [D] load_key argument: Tomb-Key-2
tomb [D] load_key: ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb [D] is_valid_key ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb  .  Valid key file found: ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb  .  Mountpoint not specified, using default: /media/Tomb-Volume-2
tomb (*) Opening Tomb-Volume-2 on /media/Tomb-Volume-2
tomb [D] Next free loop device: /dev/loop0
tomb  .  This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device.
tomb  .  Cipher is "aes" mode "xts-plain64:sha256" hash "sha1"
tomb [D] dev mapper device: tomb.Tomb-Volume-2-486367185.loop0
tomb [D] Tomb key: ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb  .  A password is required to use key 2k-PFVRhg0s__PjtR
tomb [D] exec_as_user 'linminde-15rc': /usr/local/bin/tomb askpass Insert password to use key: /Tomb-Key-2
tomb [D] _have_shm 0 We need only 1 MB of RAM.
tomb [D] _have_shm 1 SHM 0 KB are available.
tomb [D] _have_shm 2 RAM 3346636 KB are free.
tomb [D] get_lukskey returns 0
tomb  .  Password OK.
tomb [D] get_lukskey XXX ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb [D] _have_shm 0 We need only 1 MB of RAM.
tomb [D] _have_shm 1 SHM 0 KB are available.
tomb [D] _have_shm 2 RAM 3345008 KB are free.
tomb [D] get_lukskey returns 0
No key available with this passphrase.
tomb [D] drop_key ./Tomb-Key-2
tomb [E] Failure mounting the encrypted file.

Any ideas or has anyone else had this problem or managed to fix it?


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Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #6 on: 2017/02/07, 01:28:17 »
 One line at a time I tried this technique:

Code: [Select]
lo=$(losetup -f)
losetup -f secret.tomb
pass="$(gpg -d secret.key)"
echo -n -e "$pass" | cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen $lo secret
mount /dev/mapper/secret /mnt
unset pass

Terminal Output:
Code: [Select]
user@host# losetup -f Tomb-Volume-2
losetup: Tomb-Volume-2: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.

 That's how far I got. Maybe Tomb changed something like the "byte sector" or what ever. Maybe Downgrading Tomb would fix things?
 Was just trying the script wrapper gtomb.. I keep on getting this no matter what I try:

Code: [Select]
No key available with this passphrase.
tomb [E] Failure mounting the encrypted file.

 But if I type in the wrong password I get a different message. So I'm typing in the pw right. Just the Tomb is refusing to mount.


  • Guest
Re: has anyone gotten Tomb to work on latest 12/17 system?
« Reply #7 on: 2017/02/07, 02:59:44 »

I think I fixed my problem by using zsh-beta!

Code: [Select]
zsh-beta --version
zsh 5.0.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Yep.. I have two Tombs with 2 different keys and both work! Awesome..
Hope this report helps others. Pretty happy to have my files back. Now a bit more cautious of Tomb now though..
This took 4 days to figure out~