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Author Topic:  bugs, bugs, bugs!  (Read 24815 times)


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bugs, bugs, bugs!
« on: 2012/07/15, 18:51:48 »
Hi Folks

I downloaded siduction-12.1.1-desperadoreloaded-lxde-amd64-201206241921.iso with much excitement, but it was very short lived.

major bug

Usb modem is not picked up. it does not matter what I try to do to get it to be seen

I restart various services such as


nothing works :(

No application will enable the modem such as

gprsconnect (I installed this one )
resetting modem using usb-modeswitch

nothing works :(

major bug 2

The install-to-usb acts very weird

I have 2 usb drives  1 is 4GB and the other is 500GB and both are connected,I click on the install-to usb icon and it starts up BUT  it doesn't show the 500GB drive, it only shows the 4GB drive, the 500GB drive has a 4GB fat32 partition on it  and nothing else   ie just unpartitioned space. This is the drive I actually want to install into.

minor bugs

gparted that is on the menu does not start up ( I have to use the console )

TUX commander will not view a text file, it complains that "less" is missing (but it is not missing ) and it will complain when I hit F4 to edit a file.

When I issue the command  "sudo init 1" and then init 5  I get back to the desktop but ANY usb drive that I plugin is now not mounted (the window doesn't pop up and ask if I want to open the drive in the file manager ) BUT when I do "mount -l" they are show as mounted, but they are not.

I have tryed siduction on two different PCs and neither would see the modem and all bugs mentioned were present on both.

I really need my modem to work otherwise I might as well forget about installing siduction.

I am currently using Knoppix with LXDE and it sees the modem no problem.

Please help!

BTW   I love the desktop background picture. who created it?

Offline devil

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bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #1 on: 2012/07/15, 19:19:06 »
To be able to offer any help, we need to know some facts.

* You speak of USB-Modem, but which one exactly?
(please use lsusb -vv for identification)

When it comes to your major bug 2:

*you are using the wrong method (I assume)

The install-to-usb is for mobile "installs". This creates a USB-device that holds the iso image (like if you used dd) and adds persistence and some cheat-codes of your choice.

With a 500 GB drive I assume you want a real install, like to internal HDD. Then the tool is wrong, it assumes 1 partition over the whole device. You want to look at http://manual.siduction.org/en/hd-install-opts-en.htm#usb-hd under the headline "Full installation to a USB/SD/flash (behaves as normal HD installation)"

* We know about gparted not starting, but it starts from within the installer.

* No idea on TUX Commander.

The wallpaper was done by Hendrik Lehmbruch (hendrikl) from our art team (see credits at the end of http://www.siduction.org/index.php?module=news&func=display&sid=135&lang=en



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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #2 on: 2012/07/15, 21:30:18 »
* You speak of USB-Modem, but which one exactly?
(please use lsusb -vv for identification) /qoute

Here it is

Bus 001 Device 006: ID 12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB Modem

its an oldish modem but works fine with no interaction from me on Knoppix.Ubuntu,Debian live cds

here is the output of  "nm-tool" on a working system

- Device: ttyUSB0  [Connection1] --------------------------------------------------
  Type:              Mobile Broadband (GSM)
  Driver:            option1
  State:             connected
  Default:           yes


When it comes to your major bug 2:

*you are using the wrong method (I assume) /qoute

No! I just wanted to use the 500GB drive and not the smaller drive, I understand the different install types
and the point I was trying to make is that the 500GB drive isn't even seen, I get the message "No USB Drive found" when I start the installer
but it works if I use the 4GB drive.

During the install on to the 4GB drive, when I click on "cheat-codes" nothing happens.


Offline devil

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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #3 on: 2012/07/15, 21:47:07 »
Like I said, to use your 500 GB drive with install-to-usb, the whole space needs to be in 1 partition.

For the modem:
What does wvdial hsdpa output?

btw.: you can set your modem so that it starts as modem right away and not as usb-storage. you need to do this on a system where the device works, with AT commands:
Code: [Select]
AT^u2diag=0to revert, use
Code: [Select]



  • Guest
RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #4 on: 2012/07/15, 22:23:52 »
Maybe the firmware is missing ?
Code: [Select]
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-linux-free will fix it.

greetings mof


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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #5 on: 2012/07/16, 22:49:14 »
@mof    No it doesn't need any firmware

@Devil    For the modem:
What does wvdial hsdpa output?  /qoute

Here is the output

--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Warning: section [Dialer hsdpa] does not exist in wvdial.conf.
--> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory

I dont use wvdial anyway.

here is how far I got after messing around with pppd

siducer@siduction:~$ sudo pppd ttyUSB0 nodetach defaultroute noipdefault noauth lock usepeerdns connect 'chat "" "at" "" "at" "OK" "at&f" "OK" "atz" "OK" "at+cgdcont=1,'IP','MYAPN'" OK "atdt*99#"'
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated.
Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Modem hangup

Can you see whats wrong?
I cant figure it out  so I'm off to ask Google!

Offline devil

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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #6 on: 2012/07/16, 23:24:47 »
Please pull the device off, reconnect it and then call dmesg to see what it says about the device. Is your system upgraded to current (today?)



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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #7 on: 2012/07/17, 00:18:02 »
its a little hard to upgrade if I cant get the modem working :P

Im still working on getting wvdial setup correctly

Offline devil

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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #8 on: 2012/07/17, 01:12:04 »
Someone just told me, it juswt works for him. But wvdial needs an upgrade. Well, not wvdial itself, but libwvstreams4.6-base_4.6.1-4.


Offline michaa7

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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #9 on: 2012/07/17, 01:14:15 »
If what devil linked to is not the solution maybe here you may find some helpfull info:

But I don't know whether it is outdated or not.
(last updated 2011-03-11)
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline devil

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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #10 on: 2012/07/17, 01:40:19 »
http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Huawei_E630 is probably helpful also.



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RE: bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #11 on: 2012/07/17, 03:44:33 »
Well I finally got wvdial configured but it now crashes, and I cant upgrade it without online access,so Im going to cut my losses and try out a different iso.

The Razor-Qt look interesting!   getting it now :)

Thanks to all for the helpout

Feel free to lock this topic


  • Guest
bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #12 on: 2012/07/17, 06:56:00 »
Hello @Drake,

wellcome to siduction. If your modem works with other debian based distros, I'm sure it will work also with siduction.

Feel free to lock this topic

Why should we do that?

Kind regards,


  • Guest
bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #13 on: 2012/07/17, 23:04:24 »
Hi Folks!

Would you like to see my current "uname -a"  ???

hehe ;)

Linux siduction 3.4-4.towo-siduction-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 23 12:04:36 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

how did I do it I hear you ask!

well I had to cheat somewhat!

I managed to downgrade wvdial and stop it crashing on me, but then pppd  would connect but drop the connection  straight away and I wouldnt get an IP address,

pppd would just drop the connection AFTER a sucessfull CHAP negotiation with

Error is no 16

So I have borrowed a 3G Router and its handling the modem and it took about 30 mins to setup and not three bloody days! /joysiousRant

however I Really Really like Razor-QT, its very slick and not resource hungry

but I did manage to find a small bug.  The qtFM wont open a text file in a text editor, it opens it in a web browser, which is daft! I tried to reset it but it didn’t work for me yet.

also when I'm on desperadoreloaded as I am now, The file manager shows me the LABELS of my many partitions and lets me mount them from the file manager, no such luck in Razor-Qt, When the fstab  file is created on boot it dosn’t pickup the labels and doesn’t auto-mount anything ( maybe this is by design ) but I have to do it manually and I cant remember what /media/disk1part1 etc etc really are, not like /media/MyMovies etc etc.

one question I need help on understanding is....

Can I install  the network-manager GUI applet in Razor-QT (do I need the QT version, does it even exist? ) as I will have to return the 3G Router in about a week from now.

Hi   I thought I wasnt going to get any further with my modem issues hence the request to lock thread.


Offline devil

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bugs, bugs, bugs!
« Reply #14 on: 2012/07/18, 00:16:55 »

Can I install the network-manager GUI applet in Razor-QT (do I need the QT version, does it even exist? ) as I will have to return the 3G Router in about a week from now.

That is not a good idea, as it pulls in half of KDE.
I would use wvdial. Do not downgrade it, but do a dist-upgrade and see to it that libwvstreams4.6-base_4.6.1-4 is installede and at latest version. Then your modem will work.

Instead of qtfm use bsc. We switched to that.
