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Author Topic: [EN] Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce  (Read 17155 times)


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[EN] Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« on: 2013/11/15, 08:30:48 »
Good Day

I am trying to install siduction on a HP-G72 laptop. I have downloaded the iso, wrote it to a usb disk and booted from it. I boots fine into the XFCE. When I try to run the installer nothing happens. I then tried to  run chromium from the terminal, but it "hanged".

I tried running ceni  from the terminal, but the message from it was that it needed root privileges and asked for a password.

I tried running "sux ceni", that also hangs.

I booted with a lan cable, but when i try to run "/sbin/ifconfig" it also hangs.

Eventually I ran "fw-detect" and it picked up that I need realtek firmware (r8169)

I downloaded the firmware.tar.gz from debian and have the firmware-realtek.deb file.

My question is: How can I get the firmware on the usb or get the firmware installed in the live environment?

My suspicion is that there is no network and it causes everything to "hang"

Thank you

Offline devil

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #1 on: 2013/11/15, 08:47:02 »
You can install the .deb you have by navigating to the directory, where the deb-file is (cd downloads e.g.) and do:
Code: [Select]
dpkg -i firmware-realtek.deb (if that is the correct name of the deb)


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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #2 on: 2013/11/15, 08:54:37 »
Thank you for your reply

I tried:

Code: [Select]
sux dpkg -i firmware-realtek.deb
sudo dpkg -i firmware-realtek.deb

all which hangs

I tried:

Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]
dpkg -i firmware-realtek.deb

which gave me a error : "requested operation requires superuser privilege"

I also checked the iso's md5 and it is correct

Any other suggestions?


Offline absolut

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #3 on: 2013/11/15, 09:42:51 »
this reminds me of this thread (in german): http://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=3891.0

Offline sunrat

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #4 on: 2013/11/15, 13:33:04 »
You need to specify the exact name of the downloaded .deb which in this case should be firmware-realtek_0.40_all.deb

Offline spacepenguin

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #5 on: 2013/11/15, 15:23:11 »
When I try to run the installer nothing happens. I then tried to  run chromium from the terminal, but it "hanged".

Does the installer really need an internet connection??
And even Chromium doesn't need a connection to start...

Have you checked the md5sum of the downloaded ISO & on the usb disk before booting into siduction? Have you tried/can you try the usb disk with siduction with another PC (same symptoms or not)?
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
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Offline dibl

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #6 on: 2013/11/15, 19:13:40 »

Does the installer really need an internet connection??
The installer does not need an internet connection to run  However, if you are installing on a laptop that is not connected via ethernet cable, and the wifi chip needs proprietary firmware, and you click "Yes" to get the proprietary firmware, then it might appear that the firmware is being installed, but it is not and you end up with an OS but no internet.

If it is possible to connect the laptop with an ethernet cable, just during the installation of the OS, then you can get the firmware during installation and you will not have the problem of installing the firmware with no internet connection.
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Offline spacepenguin

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #7 on: 2013/11/15, 20:45:52 »
Thanks for clarification, dibl. So the installer seems to have a bug if it fools the user like that ;). But nontheless the installer should start from live CD without internet connection, shouldn't it?
Susan | Hardware: SysProfile
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Offline dibl

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #8 on: 2013/11/15, 21:38:52 »
The installer is happy to run from a CD or a USB stick, with no internet connection.  But, as I said above, if firmware is needed for the wifi chip, then you might be fooled (like I was) and not understand why you have no internet.  If you can connect the laptop with an ethernet cable first, then run the installer, that is the fast way to get the job done.
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO


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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #9 on: 2013/11/16, 07:48:55 »

@sunrat firmware-realtek_0.40_all.deb is the deb file I am trying to use.

@spacepenguin I have md5sum the iso I downloaded and it is correct. I also tried the same
usb stick on a HP Mini 200 and it the installer started. I had the ethernet cable connected to
my router and the netbook.

I still suspect, that the Lan interface (eth0) is not being detected due to the firmware, and therefore cannot connect.
The /etc/host file also looks strange with some entries which points to non-normal ip adresses. I suspect for some
reason it is trying to find these ip's.

The strange thing for me is that su, sux and sudo hangs, on normal debian I have never
experienced it.

Offline dibl

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #10 on: 2013/11/16, 10:25:47 »

The strange thing for me is that su, sux and sudo hangs, on normal debian I have never
experienced it.

In siduction we do not have sudo enabled by default -- it is not expected to work.

There is an old bug in sux that gives an error like this:

Code: [Select]
don@tosh205:~$ sux
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

But this error has no effect -- you are still root and have root privileges. You can also open a root terminal (from a user terminal) with "suxterm" and the root password.

So, to run your dpkg command, from the user prompt you can enter "sux" or "suxterm", and then either way you get to the root prompt, and from there you enter your dpkg -i command to install your package.

System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline absolut

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #11 on: 2013/11/16, 11:21:09 »
this reminds me of this thread (in german): http://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=3891.0

please allow me to direct the attention to my previous post.

johangwbasson, can you please read through it and comment whether you are experiencing the same problems in using su/sudo/sux?


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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #12 on: 2013/11/16, 15:58:03 »
@absolut It sounds like the same problem, but I bought this machine in 2010/2011 somewhere, so it cannot be a GPT issue

Offline absolut

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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #13 on: 2013/11/16, 17:38:55 »
okay... interesting...

johangwbasson, would you be able to test linux mint debian edition or ubuntu with su and sudo on your machine?

i wonder if it  might be an actual  issue with the iso that is triggered by some specific hardware combination?
« Last Edit: 2013/11/16, 17:57:19 by absolut »


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Re: Installation of Siduction 13.1.0 Xfce
« Reply #14 on: 2013/11/16, 17:58:20 »
LMDE worked perfectly on this machine.

As mentioned before I tried the same usb on a HP mini and installer worked. I did not test su or sux but i would assume it would work as the installer started.

This must be a hardware issue then.