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Author Topic: [EN] New computer  (Read 3435 times)

Offline paxmark2

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[EN] New computer
« on: 2016/05/02, 03:08:29 »
It arrived. First thing to say, I was not using Sidcution, I figured I would risk 6 months until freeze in testing. First time with uefi,   gpt, lvm2 and hopefully KVM.  Most of the howto's are dated.  I tried to set up manually with /boot in EPT  and / and /swap and then adding the LVM.  However, the guided version worked.  It has been a long time since I have used guided. 

Unfortunately (netinstall with non-free) when tasksel says Debian desktop environment just prior to gnome, I did not tick it off, and so I got gnome. I thought it would give me all of the xorg that I would need.  Bleagh.  I ended up reinstalling and trying lxqt from scratch.  LXQT is sooo easy to install via siduction and also via Sparky's version of testing.  Not so easy today being a pure debian person for this install.  Thankfully LXDE went on easier, grub-uefi is working out, lvm is something I should have tried long ago and  I think I have figured out the slight differences between stable and testing for KVM and  libvirt-bin versus libvirt0. 

chroot /target
apt-get install -f
is your friend for testing installs somedays. 

peace out