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Author Topic:  advice and counsel for multi-booting Siduction on '12 MacPro w/Nvidia card??  (Read 10173 times)


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@melmarker, good point my bag.  :-[
"my bag"???? . . . (note the ellipsis) . . . here in the states we say, "my baD" . . . when we make an error . . . .  "My bag" refers to something that we do . . . like "my bag is the over-use of ellipses . . . ."  That kind of thing . . . .  : - )))))

Offline piper

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When I make an error, I say shit or fuck, sometimes I might even curse.

Quote from: este.el.paz
not to run upgrades in "X"

No need for leaving "X" anymore
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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Quote from: este.el.paz
not to run upgrades in "X"

No need for leaving "X" anymore
#MeToo . . . I rarely say, "my bad" or "my bag" . . . I also curse openly . . . .
OK, thanks for that data about not needing to leave "X" . . . so it's more or less "normal" . . . which is good.
So, now the only "unknown" for me is the IRC channel connection . . . it's been years since I have used IRC.  I looked around on the manual to try to find the "how to" . . . nothing seemed to be relevant.  I **did** see the "IRC" launcher in the siduction live iso when I booted it up, but I don't know whether I can "burn" an iso from the usb flash drive I'm booted in . . . to another flash drive that I don't have at this point??  I don't know what is entailed in asking for the latest or newer spin of siduction . . . an iso file to to download, a link to a "wget"??
Haven't had time to reboot into the siduction drive I have now to check what shows up when using the Siduction IRC app, but I've been in Lu 19 and that has "Quassel IRC" app, which seems to be pre-set up to connect to the Lubuntu channel . . . I found the "irc.oftc.net" on port 6667 . . . but it's then asking for a password . . . which I don't know what that might be??  siducer??? siduction???  just plain "sid"??  "live"??

Offline melmarker

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you are right, the manual is a bit outdated, but we are working on it

re: apt vs apt-get - in short: apt-get has a stable interface and should be used in scripts, apt has a nicer user interface and should not be used in scripts, beside of that the main and really important difference for sid users is

apt upgrade == apt-get upgrade --install-new-pkgs + some fancy styles in progress

 not installing new packages within the upgrade process is a loaded gun pointing to one or both feets - and it will fire sooner or later (hmm - sooner, in moments when one absolutely not aware of and don't have time to react)  Murphy's law in action. So in the worst case the bullets hit the head instead of both feets - because all is possible.

One can do several things with the iso: Burning it to a DVD or use dd to put it on a stick - it doesn't matter, it is a hybrid iso.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlons razor)


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apt upgrade == apt-get upgrade --install-new-pkgs + some fancy styles in progress

One can do several things with the iso: Burning it to a DVD or use dd to put it on a stick - it doesn't matter, it is a hybrid iso.
@et al:
As I posted in the #siduction, but didn't have time to wait for any replies to it . . . thanks to the fast response to my earlier request on the chat line for the latest spin . . . I did just "burn it to dvd" which is "easier" getting a bootable file for installation set up in OSX . . . ran the install, and all seemed to go well with it.  Only "issues" to report on is a problem I reported a few years back in "ubuntu" flavors, possibly 14.04 . . . with a "non-response" to key stroke on "eject" key . . . to eject said dvd . . . seems to still be "around" . . . not a major complaint these days, since most players seem to be using usb stick as the install media . . . .  And, along those same lines, mousing on the "eject" button next to "mounted external devices" . . . does "work" to eject the dvd/optical drive drawer, but it opens and closes within a second . . .  I had to stand up, get next to the drive door . . . click the button . . . use all my spidey skills to grab the dvd as the drawer was . . . disappearing . . . .  Cranky old guy doesn't appreciate having to do anything "fast" or requiring manual dexterity . . . .  : - (((
But, thanks for the fast replies on the chat channel . . . OSX would not open the checksum & manifest files, but running the install without them . . . seemed to be clean . . . .  On the chat yesterday I was now "sidereal1" . . . but via the Siduction IRC links it wasn't showing any other conversations that might have been going on . . . unlike the previous day, my "post" didn't elicit any reply . . . so I'm posting it here.
I'm now a "siducer" . . . we'll see if that is "semi-permanent" . . . or "flash in the linux pan"???  : - ))))

Offline axt

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a "non-response" to key stroke on "eject" key

I also have an Apple keyboard, the old white. Eternal times the eject key has worked with Ubuntu (Gnome 2) and Lubuntu (LXDE) ootb. With siduction (LXQt) it actually doesn't work, as I recently noticed. But doesn't bother me, it's certainly configurable (I use "Generic 105-key PC (intl.)" - you could try with one of the Apple models, e.g. "Apple Aluminium (ANSI").

to eject the dvd/optical drive drawer, but it opens and closes within a second

That's right too. I know this behavior since Ubuntu ~Feisty, want to say since ~12 years (it was OK before that). It is necessary to hold the plate so as not to risk the destruction of the DVD (of course that's not good for the drive either). Fortunately, you hardly need CDs/DVDs anymore.

OSX would not open the checksum & manifest files

These are normal text files, pure ASCII. For sha256 checking you could execute in an OSX terminal:

Code: [Select]
shasum -a 256 <file>


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a "non-response" to key stroke on "eject" key
I also have an Apple keyboard, the old white. Eternal times the eject key has worked with Ubuntu (Gnome 2) and Lubuntu (LXDE) ootb. With siduction (LXQt) it actually doesn't work, as I recently noticed. But doesn't bother me, it's certainly configurable (I use "Generic 105-key PC (intl.)" - you could try with one of the Apple models, e.g. "Apple Aluminium (ANSI").
OSX would not open the checksum & manifest files

These are normal text files, pure ASCII. For sha256 checking you could execute in an OSX terminal:

Code: [Select]
shasum -a 256 <file>
Thanks for the thoughts on the "shared experience" . . . yes, this optical drive thing has gone back to an earlier day . . . I think ubuntu 12.04 was overall operationally pretty good, I was in PPC at that time . . . subsequent upgrades seemed to lose some functions . . . .
Thanks for the thoughts about adjusting the keyboard, I think I set it for "US Mac" . . . can't remember for sure, as I did an OpenSUSE Leap install after that, which went "sideways" . . . I don't think it had an option to pick "Mac" . . . but I think Siduction installer did . . . .  It's not a big enough problem to spend time/thought on it . . . .
On the checksum, yep . . . I do know how to run it in the Terminal . . . I **might** have checked the "md5" number on that file . . . bit of a blur . . . I wanted to do the chat via a Lubuntu IRC chat app, but, it wasn't connecting to #siduction . . . I wanted the .iso to download into linux world, where I have "mkusb" app installed to "burn" a usb drive live dvd . . . but I found the link on the Siduction wiki when I was in OSX . . . and the Siducer guru team was there with just a "@" showing as my post . . . fast.  And so it went on in OSX . . . .  : - )