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Author Topic: [DE] Wish You Were Here: Shine On You Crazy Diamond  (Read 862 times)

Offline edlin

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[DE] Wish You Were Here: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
« on: 2024/12/18, 11:13:24 »
Der/die/das neue Release wirft seine Schatten, oder besser das Funkeln eines Diamanten voraus. Unter https://testbuilds.siduction.org/ finden sich seit letzter Nacht die ersten Testbuilds von „Shine on ...“.
Wer also das neue Artwork beschnuppern und „Shine on ...“ testen möchte, kann es jetzt tun.


The new release casts its shadow, or rather the sparkle of a diamond. The first test builds of “Shine on ...” have been available since last night at https://testbuilds.siduction.org/.
So if you want to get a taste of the new artwork and test “Shine on ...” can do so now.

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill

Offline dimitri

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Re: Wish You Were Here: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
« Reply #1 on: 2024/12/18, 16:01:56 »
Directories dated 12/18/24 are empty

Offline edlin

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Re: Wish You Were Here: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
« Reply #2 on: 2024/12/18, 16:17:01 »
This is new! I pulled the isos of kde, Xfce, lxqt and Xorg this morning (European time) and installed the KDE version. Maybe it was a premature release. At least we now know that the small team at Siduction is working on the next release. We should look forward to the next release ...

Code: [Select]
-rwxr-xr-x  1 edlin edlin 3779168256 18. Dez 10:03 siduction-2024.1.0-Shine_on-kde-amd64-202412172123.iso
-rwxr-xr-x  1 edlin edlin 3731343360 18. Dez 10:17 siduction-2024.1.0-Shine_on-lxqt-amd64-202412172140.iso
-rwxr-xr-x  1 edlin edlin 3177928704 18. Dez 10:16 siduction-2024.1.0-Shine_on-xfce-amd64-202412172132.iso
-rwxr-xr-x  1 edlin edlin 2617735168 18. Dez 13:23 siduction-2024.1.0-Shine_on-xorg-amd64-202412172247.iso


Update: Xfce and KDE are Online again.
« Last Edit: 2024/12/18, 16:38:02 by edlin »
„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill