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Author Topic: [EN] KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?  (Read 15023 times)

Offline samoht

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[EN] KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« on: 2017/09/02, 13:25:26 »

... cause I am running KDE Plasma 5.10.5
@piper, just out of curiosity, did you install KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from the experimental repo?
Is that already satisfactorily stable?

Offline piper

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #1 on: 2017/09/02, 19:01:10 »
I do not advise or recommend unless you know how to fix or ready to reinstall


Mind you, I use a source no-one recommends and have used it since day one (mythtv), all my builds include it also, I just never had a problem (politics & epoch) with it.

The day I installed from experimental, this is what it looked like, and I installed.

Code: [Select]
root@x1:/home/piper# apt update; apt full-upgrade -t experimental -s
Get:1 buildd-unstable InRelease [58.1 kB]
Hit:2 unstable InRelease
Hit:3 experimental InRelease
Hit:4 unstable InRelease
Hit:5 unstable InRelease
Get:6 sid InRelease [22.0 kB]
Get:7 buildd-unstable/main i386 Packages [197 kB]
Get:8 buildd-unstable/main amd64 Packages [196 kB]
Get:9 buildd-unstable/main Translation-en [171 kB]
Get:10 sid/main i386 Packages [150 kB]
Get:11 sid/main amd64 Packages [148 kB]
Fetched 942 kB in 4s (224 kB/s)                             
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
26 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  bleachbit kwin-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglx0-glvnd-nvidia libglx0-glvnd-nvidia:i386 libkf5auth-dev
  libkf5codecs-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5guiaddons-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5iconthemes-dev
  libkf5itemviews-dev libkf5style-dev libkf5widgetsaddons-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libkwineffects9 libkwinglutils9 libkwinxrenderutils9
  libpolkit-backend-1-0 libqt5x11extras5-dev ntfs-config python-glade2 python-gtk2 python-numpy qtbase5-dev qtscript5-dev
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  breeze-gtk-theme cdrskin geoclue-2.0 iio-sensor-proxy libappstream4 libappstreamqt2 libdmtx0a libdns165 libdrm2:i386 libexpat1:i386
  libgeoclue-2-0 libgl1 libglapi-mesa:i386 libglx-mesa0 libglx-mesa0:i386 libglx0 libglx0:i386 libhfstospell9 libkf5doctools5
  libkf5newstuffcore5 libkf5prison5 libkf5syntaxhighlighting-data libkf5syntaxhighlighting5 libktorrent6 libkwineffects11 libkwinglutils11
  libkwinxrenderutils11 libmagickcore-6.q16-5 libmbim-glib4 libmbim-proxy libmozjs185-1.0 libntfs-3g873 libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy libqpdf18
  libqrencode3 libqt5positioning5 libqt5quickcontrols2-5 libqt5quicktemplates2-5 libqt5sensors5 libqt5webchannel5 libstemmer0d libvoikko1
  libx11-xcb1:i386 libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-dri3-0:i386 libxcb-glx0:i386 libxcb-present0:i386 libxcb-sync1:i386 libxcb-xfixes0:i386
  libxdamage1:i386 libxfixes3:i386 libxshmfence1:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 libyaml-0-2 media-player-info modemmanager qml-module-org-kde-kconfig
  qml-module-org-kde-kirigami qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2 qml-module-org-kde-newstuff qml-module-qtquick-controls2
  qml-module-qtquick-templates2 qpdf qtchooser-bin zlib1g:i386
The following packages have been kept back:
  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18 libsane-common sane-utils
The following packages will be upgraded:
  apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils baloo-kf5 bind9-host breeze breeze-cursor-theme breeze-icon-theme cpio cups cups-client
  cups-common cups-core-drivers cups-daemon cups-filters cups-filters-core-drivers cups-ipp-utils cups-ppdc cups-server-common dbus
  dbus-user-session dbus-x11 dnsutils extra-cmake-modules frameworkintegration gdb-minimal git git-man gpm gtk3-engines-breeze
  imagemagick-6-common inotify-tools k3b k3b-data k3b-i18n kactivitymanagerd kde-cli-tools kde-cli-tools-data kde-config-gtk-style
  kde-config-gtk-style-preview kde-config-screenlocker kde-config-sddm kde-style-breeze kde-style-breeze-qt4 kde-style-oxygen-qt4
  kde-style-oxygen-qt5 kded5 kdeplasma-addons-data khotkeys-dev kinfocenter kinit kio kmenuedit kpackagetool5 kross kscreen ksysguard
  ksysguard-data ksysguardd ktexteditor-data ktexteditor-katepart kwin-addons kwin-common kwin-data kwin-style-breeze kwin-x11 lib32ncurses5
  lib32tinfo5 libbind9-140 libbrlapi0.6 libc-bin libc-l10n libcpupower1 libcups2 libcupscgi1 libcupsfilters1 libcupsimage2 libcupsmime1
  libcupsppdc1 libdbus-1-3 libegl1-mesa libfontembed1 libgbm1 libgc1c2 libgcrypt20 libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa libglvnd0
  libglvnd0:i386 libgnutls-openssl27 libgnutls30 libgpm2 libgudev-1.0-0 libimage-magick-perl libimage-magick-q16-perl libinotifytools0
  libisc-export160 libisc160 libisccc140 libisccfg140 libk3b7 libk3b7-extracodecs libkdecorations2-5v5 libkdecorations2private5v5
  libkf5activities5 libkf5activitiesstats1 libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-bin-dev libkf5auth-data libkf5auth5 libkf5baloo5
  libkf5balooengine5 libkf5bluezqt-data libkf5bluezqt6 libkf5bookmarks-data libkf5bookmarks5 libkf5calendarevents5 libkf5codecs-data
  libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5 libkf5config-bin libkf5config-bin-dev libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5
  libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5 libkf5coreaddons-bin-dev libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5
  libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5declarative-data libkf5declarative5 libkf5dnssd-data
  libkf5dnssd5 libkf5emoticons-bin libkf5emoticons-data libkf5emoticons5 libkf5filemetadata-bin libkf5filemetadata-data libkf5filemetadata3
  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data libkf5i18n5
  libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemmodels5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5
  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5js5 libkf5jsembed-data libkf5jsembed5 libkf5kcmutils-data libkf5kcmutils5
  libkf5kdelibs4support-data libkf5kdelibs4support5 libkf5kdelibs4support5-bin libkf5khtml-bin libkf5khtml-data libkf5khtml5 libkf5kiocore5
  libkf5kiofilewidgets5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5krosscore5 libkf5krossui5 libkf5networkmanagerqt6 libkf5newstuff-data
  libkf5newstuff5 libkf5notifications-data libkf5notifications5 libkf5notifyconfig-data libkf5notifyconfig5 libkf5package-data
  libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5people-data libkf5people5 libkf5peoplebackend5 libkf5peoplewidgets5
  libkf5plasma5 libkf5plasmaquick5 libkf5pty-data libkf5pty5 libkf5quickaddons5 libkf5runner5 libkf5screen-bin libkf5screen7
  libkf5service-bin libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5
  libkf5style5 libkf5su-bin libkf5su-data libkf5su5 libkf5sysguard-bin libkf5sysguard-data libkf5texteditor5 libkf5textwidgets-data
  libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5threadweaver5 libkf5unitconversion-data libkf5unitconversion5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5
  libkf5waylandclient5 libkf5waylandserver5 libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5
  libkf5xmlgui-data libkf5xmlgui5 libkf5xmlrpcclient-data libkf5xmlrpcclient5 libkfontinst5 libkfontinstui5 libkscreenlocker5 libksgrd7
  libksignalplotter7 libktorrent-l10n libkwalletbackend5-5 libkwin4-effect-builtins1 libkworkspace5-5 liblwres141 liblz4-1 libncurses5
  libncursesw5 liboauth0 libopenexr22 liboxygenstyle5-5 liboxygenstyleconfig5-5 libp11-kit0 libperl5.26 libphonon4 libphonon4qt5-4
  libplasma-geolocation-interface5 libpolkit-agent-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-1-0 libpowerdevilcore2 libpowerdevilui5 libprocesscore7
  libprocessui7 libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulsedsp libpython2.7 libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib libqt4-dbus
  libqt4-declarative libqt4-designer libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-sql libqt4-svg libqt4-xml
  libqt4-xmlpatterns libqt5webkit5 libqtcore4 libqtdbus4 libqtgui4 libselinux1 libsemanage-common libsemanage1 libsepol1 libtaskmanager6
  libtiff5 libtinfo5 libwayland-egl1-mesa libweather-ion7 libxatracker2 linux-cpupower locales mariadb-common mesa-common-dev
  mesa-va-drivers milou multiarch-support ncurses-base ncurses-bin ntfs-3g nvidia-driver-libs-i386:i386 nvidia-egl-common
  nvidia-egl-wayland-common nvidia-legacy-check openssh-client openssh-server openssh-sftp-server ovmf oxygen-icon-theme oxygen-sounds perl
  perl-base perl-modules-5.26 perlmagick phonon phonon4qt5 plasma-dataengines-addons plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data plasma-framework
  plasma-integration plasma-pa plasma-runners-addons plasma-wallpapers-addons plasma-widgets-addons plasma-workspace policykit-1
  polkit-kde-1 polkit-kde-agent-1 powerdevil powerdevil-data pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-zeroconf pulseaudio-utils
  python-lxml python-selinux python2.7 python2.7-minimal qdbus qml-module-org-kde-activities qml-module-org-kde-draganddrop
  qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin qml-module-org-kde-kcoreaddons qml-module-org-kde-kio qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrols
  qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrolsaddons qml-module-org-kde-kwindowsystem qml-module-org-kde-solid
  qml-module-qtquick-controls-styles-breeze qml-module-qtwebkit qtchooser qtcore4-l10n sddm-theme-breeze socat sonnet-plugins systemsettings
  usbutils wpasupplicant
366 upgraded, 66 newly installed, 30 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
« Last Edit: 2017/09/02, 19:19:24 by piper »
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline piper

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #2 on: 2017/09/02, 19:20:44 »
Code: [Select]
System:    Host: x1 Kernel: 4.12.10-towo.1-siduction-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.10.5
           Distro: siduction 17.1.0 Patience - kde - (201708240114)
Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: Gigabyte model: GA-970A-UD3 v: x.x BIOS: Award v: F7 date: 10/22/2012
CPU:       Hexa core AMD FX-6300 Six-Core (-MCP-) cache: 12288 KB
           clock speeds: max: 3500 MHz 1: 1400 MHz 2: 1400 MHz 3: 2000 MHz 4: 2500 MHz 5: 1400 MHz 6: 1400 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GM204 [GeForce GTX 970]
           Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.3 ) drivers: nvidia (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa,nouveau)
           Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
           OpenGL: renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 381.22
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline samoht

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #3 on: 2017/09/02, 20:25:13 »
@piper, thanks vor paying attention and detailed info.

Offline Mte90

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #4 on: 2017/09/05, 14:12:48 »
I am using that version and after few hours plasmashell is freezing  so I cannot use the window but the plasmoid are wroking (animations).The only way is to go to another tty, kill plasmashell and re run plasmashell.

Offline piper

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #5 on: 2017/09/05, 21:34:13 »
The only freeze I have is logging in, it takes a good minute to two minutes to get to the desktop, other than that, I have no problems, once to the desktop, it works, no lag,freezing,etc..
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline dibl

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #6 on: 2017/09/05, 22:41:15 »
Quote from: piper
The only freeze I have is logging in ....

I saw that issue during the flood of plasma/kde updates over the past weekend, only on one old computer, but the last round of updates seems to have fixed it.
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline Lanzi

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #7 on: 2017/09/06, 00:17:10 »
my 5.8 is crasing from time to time... every 12-16 hours... so no stable Plasma right now... Lets hope 5.10 comes to sid soon.

Offline Mte90

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #8 on: 2017/09/06, 10:11:51 »
As I can see freeze and if I wait too much time the keyboard is blocked so I cannot switch.I can see when this is happening when the ram consume is becoming huge like 5 gb of ram but the crash doesn't contain useful information.

Offline piper

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #9 on: 2017/09/06, 14:20:41 »
Quote from: Mte90
As I can see freeze and if I wait too much time the keyboard is blocked so I cannot switch.I can see when this is happening when the ram consume is becoming huge like 5 gb of ram but the crash doesn't contain useful information.

I am curious to know how you installed and what packages you use.
I have nothing from  "kdepim"  installed (kmail, etc)

I now have this installed on 3 of my 4 machines, all run good except the login hiccup.

Two machines nvidia, one amd for video.

** NOTE **  I highly recommend waiting for KDE Plasma 5.10.5 in sid, as this is taken from experimental and is not for everybody and can break your system worse than sid ever can ;)
« Last Edit: 2017/09/06, 14:44:53 by piper »
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline Mte90

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #10 on: 2017/09/06, 14:37:34 »
I am using from experimental and nvidia with also kpim but from the log as I can remember the issue was on the screen and not from the software installed

Offline Mte90

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #11 on: 2017/09/06, 15:20:02 »
https://paste.kde.org/p547t6vnp The crash log, this time plasmashell is crashed and I got the error wihtout so many problems.

Offline piper

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #12 on: 2017/09/06, 15:40:15 »
While I don't have time at the moment to search this, but, might be related to Qt Creator

Older, but ...

Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline Mte90

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #13 on: 2017/09/08, 10:10:24 »
The issue keep happening but I have no idea about what to do.I am using nvidia and I think that from the log there aren't useful information.Sometimes plasmashell crash and restart without anything by me or sometimes when I see that the system is freezing I kill the process.The other day was gettning like 8 gb of ram and VLC wasn't working of too much of ram used, so when I see that take like more of 2gb of ram I kill the process.

Offline samoht

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Re: KDE Plasma 5.10.5 from experimental repo?
« Reply #14 on: 2017/09/10, 22:03:23 »
The only freeze I have is logging in, it takes a good minute to two minutes to get to the desktop ...

Confirmed on my (test) machine.
