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Installation - Support / Re: incorrect value of /sys/power/image_size
« Last post by lanig on 2024/07/21, 00:38:57 »
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Kann python3-distutils weg?
« Last post by michaa7 on 2024/07/20, 21:52:52 »
nunja, es scheint nicht das wichtigste Paket, aber mit
Code: [Select]
apt rdepends python3-distutils sieht man zumindest welche Pakete vom genannten abhängen ... und dann vllt nicht mehr richtig funktionieren.

Ich habe es auf "hold" gesetzt, weil ich davon ausgehe, dass auch python3-distutils den Versionssprung machen wird wie die bereits verfügbaren und updatebaren python Pakete. Ist aber meinerseits kein Fachwissen.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: akonadi failed to start
« Last post by orinoco on 2024/07/20, 16:26:54 »
Since you managed to export and them import your data to another machine I would say the database is fine.

I'm sorry, I didn't describe it that way. I packed the mail directory on the computer with the Akonadi/Mysql problem and unpacked it on another computer. Then I started KMail and waited to see what happened.

Exporting from KMail was no longer possible because the program, like all the others in the Kontact collection that are based on Akonadi, could no longer be started. Posting #2 shows, that the database is corrupt.

If nothing has been changed on the computer apart from an upgrade and no other computer crashes with file system errors have occurred beforehand, you might suspect that it is due to an upgrade. Hence the posting with the intention to warn. When no feedback was received, I assumed that it was a local problem and shared my solution to help others with this kind of problem in the future.

Sorry for any misunderstandings and ambiguities.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: akonadi failed to start
« Last post by Pip on 2024/07/19, 18:21:18 »
My mysql.err shows all sorts of things -

[ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column 'hist_type' at position 9 to have type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB','JSON_HB'), found type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB').
 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column 'histogram' at position 10 to have type longblob, found type varbinary(255).

but Kontact is still working. I've been upgrading with --Solver 3.0 (thanks... Drat, no reference in here).
Hardware - Support / Re: Realtek RTL8125BG Ethernet
« Last post by edlin on 2024/07/19, 17:44:29 »
Bei der offenen Suse (LEAP) soll es funktionieren, out of the box.


Hardware - Support / Realtek RTL8125BG Ethernet
« Last post by hsp on 2024/07/19, 13:57:56 »
Weiß jemand ob die im Topic genannte Netzwerkkarte mi Linux funktioniert? Gefunden habe ich nur einen Treiber bei Realtek zum selber basteln.

Art & Design / Re: Desktop-Foto
« Last post by unklarer on 2024/07/18, 19:21:53 »
Bunsenlabs 'carbon' im experimentellen Stadium mit Wayland/Labwc, sfwbar und siduction-kernel    ;)

Upgrade Warnings / Re: akonadi failed to start
« Last post by eriefisher on 2024/07/18, 15:20:58 »
Since you managed to export and them import your data to another machine I would say the database is fine. Also, since you seem to be alone with this issue it's unlikely an upgrade issue. Is it possible the a package was removed during an upgrade preventing everything from working together, Akondi, Kmail etc.? There are a lot of KDE/Plasma users here, I'm not one of them, and no one else is reporting the issue. Possibly reinstall the packages or removing the config files for a fresh start may help. Sounds like something got corrupted.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: akonadi failed to start
« Last post by vilde on 2024/07/18, 09:10:59 »

about 140 views and no response. I must be an unfortunate individual.

I have now archived the folder ~/.local/share/local-mail/ with tar, transferred the resulting file to a computer with a fresh installation and unpacked it there again. Kmail took a while, but then the e-mails reappeared in the overview.

Maybe this is not an upgrade warning? All problems may not be upgrade warnings. I stick my head out and say there is to much crap in "upgrade warnings". And maybe I'm wrong?
Upgrade Warnings / Re: akonadi failed to start
« Last post by orinoco on 2024/07/17, 14:40:00 »

about 140 views and no response. I must be an unfortunate individual.

I have now archived the folder ~/.local/share/local-mail/ with tar, transferred the resulting file to a computer with a fresh installation and unpacked it there again. Kmail took a while, but then the e-mails reappeared in the overview.
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