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Author Topic: [EN] [SOLVED] Iceweasel spellcheck won't keep language preference  (Read 3829 times)

Offline sunrat

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I'm an Aussie. I have en-AU dictionary installed and select it in the forum post box and it works fine. It shows default as en-AU in about:config. However every time I close and re-open it defaults back to German. Any ideas how to make it stick?

Offline sunrat

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RE: Iceweasel spellcheck won
« Reply #1 on: 2012/12/04, 01:39:39 »
Still happening but I can't pin down what causes the change. It resets to "German/Luxembourg".
How can I make it stick on "English/Australia"?
Would it be safe to just rename or move the unneeded dictionaries in /usr/lib/icedove/dictionaries/ ?
I don't know enough German to be able to compose a message that would be understandable by Germans. Ich sprachst Deutsch sehr schlecht. :)

Offline sunrat

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[SOLVED] Iceweasel spellcheck won't keep language preference
« Reply #2 on: 2013/01/22, 06:52:51 »
I think I finally fixed this; my locales were not set properly.
Code: [Select]
dpkg-reconfigure locales
and set default to en_AU UTF8.

Offline sunrat

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This problem actually was never quite resolved properly, and it was still an issue in a freshly installed "December". I am happy to report that it is now completely fixed by removing myspell dictionaries which I did not need. Hopefully there are not unexpected consequences.

Code: [Select]
apt-get remove myspell-pl myspell-de-de myspell-it myspell-pt-br

Offline melmarker

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No, there are no unexpected or negative consequences - you use a rc?
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Offline sunrat

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I am guessing you mean "rc" as "release candidate". No it is installed from December final release.
I also fly RC helicopters and have done no runlevel config. :)