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Author Topic:  Steam Controller  (Read 4619 times)

Offline terroreek

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Steam Controller
« on: 2016/12/15, 05:21:45 »
Hi All,

I thought in case anyone runs into this issue I can help them out.  I recently got a steam controller, it wasn't so plug and play to make it work.  First you need to install a package from the debian repository

Code: [Select]
apt install steam-devices

You will need to reboot for the udev rules to work.  Now it should work but I found when I started a game the controller stopped working.  The controller worked flawlessly in big picture mode and even acted as a keyboard in mouse when in desktop steam.  If you run into this problem its because uinput module is not loading into the kernel.  So I had to do the following create the following file (as root)

Code: [Select]
echo 'uinput' > /etc/modules-load.d/uinput.conf
then reboot and everything works fine.