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Author Topic:  Desktop-Foto  (Read 256888 times)

Offline unklarer

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  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #240 on: 2021/01/28, 09:30:11 »
^^Danke, Oppa OLE   ;D

Es freut mich dich zu lesen, bleibe gesund!

Offline unklarer

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  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #241 on: 2021/03/05, 22:15:21 »

Wenn ich überlege, 2016 war ich dort (Neist Point).
Wer kann das jetzt schon...   ???
Das Hintergrundbild ist aber nicht von mir.  :D

Offline unklarer

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  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #242 on: 2021/03/16, 17:46:30 »
Heute war "Spiele-Tag" mit der LXDE-Installation von 2016 und ich habe mich mit den Black-Frost-Suru Icons und dem Nordic-Theme beschäftigt. 
Natürlich war auch conky dabei.   ;D   
Übrigens ist das oben Plank, was @agaida damals eingeführt hatte(wenn ich mich nicht irre)   ;)

  link      link

wie immer, der Conky
Code: [Select]
-- pkill -xf "conky -c /home/unklar/S11/cmus_conkyrc" &
-- @unklar 2020-01-02; 2021-03-16
conky.config = {

use_xft = true,
--xftfont Input Mono:size=8
--xftfont monofur:size=9
--xftfont monospace:size=8
--xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8.5
font = 'Hack-Regular:size=8',
xftalpha = 0.8,
text_buffer_size = 2048,

update_interval = 1,

total_run_times = 0,

own_window = true,
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',--sticky,
--own_window_argb_visual yes
--own_window_argb_value 150

--default_bar_size 0 5
draw_shades = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_borders = false,
stippled_borders = 0,
--border_inner margin 5
border_width = 1,

default_color = '#ffffff',
--default_shade_color 000000
--default_outline_color ffffff
--own_window_colour 333333
color1 = '#778899', --#66FFFF',
color9 = '#C0C0C0',

--alignment top_left
--alignment top_right
--alignment bottom_left
--alignment bottom_right
alignment = 'middle_right',
minimum_width = 220, minimum_height = 550,
maximum_width = 220,
gap_x = 20,
gap_y = 100,

double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = true,
uppercase = false,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
net_avg_samples = 2,
override_utf8_locale = true,
use_spacer = 'none',
imlib_cache_size = 0,
lua_load = '~/LUA/draw-bg.lua',



conky.text = [[
${goto 40}${font LED_mono:size=30}${color1}88:88:88${goto 40}${color9}${time %T}${color}${font}

${lua conky_draw_bg 10 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.4}
 |   ${nodename}
 |   ${kernel}
   +  ${goto 5}${texeci 1200 curl 'wttr.in/lichtenstein_sachsen?q?0T?Q'}
 |   Unread:
 |   System: ${goto 100}${cpu cpu0} | ${cpu cpu1} | ${cpu cpu2} | ${cpu cpu3}
 |   Entropy:${goto 100}${entropy_avail} / ${entropy_poolsize} - ${entropy_perc}%
 |   CPU Temp:${goto 100}${hwmon 2 temp 2}°  GPU Temp: ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°
 |   root:${goto 100}${fs_free /root} / ${fs_size /root}
 |   RAM:${goto 100}${exec free -h --si | awk 'NR==2{printf $3}'}${goto 168}${memmax}
 |   Boot: ${goto 100}${execi 86400 who -b | cut -c23-}
 |   load:${goto 100}${loadavg}
 |   Up:${goto 100}${upspeedf enp2s0}${goto 170}${totalup enp2s0}
 |   DL:${goto 100}${downspeedf enp2s0}${goto 170}${totaldown enp2s0}
 |   NAME ${goto 160}PID ${goto 200}TOP   
 |   ${top name 1} ${alignr} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
 |   ${top name 2} ${alignr} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
 |   ${top name 3} ${alignr} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
 |   ${top name 4} ${alignr} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4}
 |   ${top name 5} ${alignr} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5}

Offline unklarer

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  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #243 on: 2021/04/02, 17:42:08 »
Plasma   :)


Offline unklarer

  • User
  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #244 on: 2021/04/09, 11:42:33 »

Code: [Select]
-- pkill -xf "conky -c /path/to/conkyrc
-- 2020-09-26 conkyV1.10 @unklar
conky.config = {
own_window = true,
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',
--own_window_colour 000000
own_window_argb_visual = true,
--own_window_argb_value = 80,
own_window_class = 'Conky',

minimum_width = 660, minimum_height = 220,
    maximum_width = 660,
gap_x = 300,-- l|r
gap_y = 80,-- u|d
alignment = 'bottom_right',
--alignment ml
--alignment mr

use_xft = true,
font = 'GE Inspira:size=9',
xftalpha = 1,

override_utf8_locale = true,

draw_shades = false,
default_shade_color = '000000',
draw_outline = false,
default_outline_color = '000000',

default_color = 'ffffff',
color1 = '778899',
color2 = 'FFA07A',
color3 = '87CEFA',
color4 = '48D1CC',
color5 = 'FFDEAD', --NavajoWhite
color6 = '00BFFF',
color7 = 'ffffff', --<
color8 = 'FFD700',
color9 = 'ffffff', --<

draw_borders = false,
stippled_borders = 5,
border_inner_margin = 5,
border_outer_margin = 0,
border_width = 2,
draw_graph_borders = false,
background = false,
use_spacer = 'none',
no_buffers = true,
double_buffer = true,

update_interval = 1, --2,

lua_load = '/home/unklarer/mga5/script/image.lua',


conky.text = [[
##### Start #####
${texeci 500 bash $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/accuweather -f2015 -h2015}
##### Zeit #####
${voffset -35}${font GE Inspira:size=55}${time %H}:${time %M}${font GE Inspira:size=20}${color 808080}${goto 180}${time %S}${color}${font}
##### Datum #####
${voffset -55}${font GE Inspira:size=14}${alignc -60}${time %A, %d. %B %Y}${font}
##### Wind-Info-Anzeige ######
${goto 310}${font GE Inspira:size=12}Wind : ${execi 90 sed -n '5p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond} ${execi 90 sed -n '6p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
${goto 310}Humidity : ${execi 90 sed -n '7p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
${goto 310}Pressure : ${execi 90 sed -n '8p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
#### Stadt ####
${voffset -5}${font GE Inspira:size=14}Lichtenstein : ${font}${color5} ${execi 90 sed -n '1p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/aktualisiert}${color}
${font GE Inspira:size=18}${goto 135}${execi 90 sed -n '2p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond} °C ${font} Gefühlt :  ${voffset -12}${font GE Inspira:size=18}${execi 90 sed -n '3p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond} °C
${goto 555}${voffset -124}${font ubuntu:size=11}N ${font}
${goto 522}${voffset 8}${font Ubuntu:size=6}NNW ${goto 583}NNE${font}
${goto 493}${voffset -6}${font Ubuntu:size=9}NW ${goto 611}NE${font}
${goto 486}${voffset 10}${font Ubuntu:size=6}WNW ${goto 618}ENE${font}
${goto 468}${voffset 5}${font Ubuntu:size=11}W ${goto 641}E${font}
${goto 486}${voffset 9}${font Ubuntu:size=6}WSW ${goto 618}ESE${font}
${goto 493}${voffset 16}${font Ubuntu:size=9}SW ${goto 611}SE${font}
${goto 522}${voffset -4}${font Ubuntu:size=6}SSW ${goto 583}SSE
${goto 555}${voffset 4}${font Ubuntu:size=11}S ${font}
#### Anzeige der nächsten drei Stunden und drei Tage ####
${voffset -80}${goto 20}${color5}${tztime GMT-3 %H} h\
${goto 95}${tztime GMT-4 %H} h\
${goto 170}${tztime GMT-5 %H} h\
${goto 245}${color}${execi 3600 echo `date --date="1 day" | awk '{print $1" "$2}'`}\
${goto 320}${execi 3600 echo `date --date="2 day" | awk '{print $1" "$2}'`}\
${goto 400}${execi 3600 echo `date --date="3 day" | awk '{print $1" "$2}'`}
##### Temperaturanzeige  #####
${voffset 25}
Temp${goto 40}${execi 90 sed -n '4p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly}°\
${goto 100}${execi 90 sed -n '34p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly}°\
${goto 180}${execi 90 sed -n '64p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly}°\
${goto 245}${color9}${execi 90 sed -n '11p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}/${color7}${execi 90 sed -n '12p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}\
${goto 320}${color9}${execi 90 sed -n '18p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}/${color7}${execi 90 sed -n '19p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}\
${goto 400}${color9}${execi 90 sed -n '25p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}/${color7}${execi 90 sed -n '26p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${color}
#### Icons aktuelle Bedingungen und Wind ####
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/forecast_2015/forecast_0.png 180 5 132 80 0}${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/forecast_2015/wind_0.png 465 12 190 190 0}\
#### Icons für die nächsten 3 Stunden und 3 Tage ####
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly_2015/hourly_2.png 0 145 70 40 0}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly_2015/hourly_3.png 75 145 70 40 0}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/hourly_2015/hourly_4.png 150 145 70 40 0}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/forecast_2015/forecast_2.png 225 145 70 40 0}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/forecast_2015/forecast_3.png 300 145 70 40 0}\
${lua fDrawImage $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/forecast_2015/forecast_4.png 380 145 70 40 0}
${voffset -800}
Code: [Select]
require 'cairo'
home = os.getenv ('HOME')

--Fonction d'affichage
function conky_fDrawImage(path,x,y,w,h,arc)

path = string.gsub(path, "~", home)
path = string.gsub(path, "$HOME", home)

local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)

local function fDrawImage(path,x,y,w,h,arc)
local img =  cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(path)
local w_img, h_img = cairo_image_surface_get_width (img), cairo_image_surface_get_height (img)

local cr = cairo_create (cs)
cairo_translate (cr, x, y)

if arc then
cairo_rotate (cr, arc)

cairo_scale (cr, w/w_img, h/h_img)
cairo_set_source_surface (cr, img, -w_img/2, -h_img/2)
cairo_paint (cr)
cairo_surface_destroy (img)
return ""

Offline unklarer

  • User
  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #245 on: 2021/04/09, 11:50:10 »

Code: [Select]
-- pkill -xf "conky -c /home/unklar/.conky/rumit/rumit_conky10" &
-- @unklar 2020-04-01; 2020-07-09; 2020-11-29
conky.config = {

background = true,
update_interval = 1,

cpu_avg_samples = 2,
net_avg_samples = 2,
--temperature_unit = 'celsius',

double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = true,
text_buffer_size = 2048,

gap_x = 10,
gap_y = 240,
minimum_width = 240, minimum_height = 800, --650,
maximum_width = 240,
own_window = true,
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',
--own_window_colour 000000
own_window_argb_visual = true,
--own_window_argb_value = 200,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
--own_window_title = 'Grey Clock',

border_inner_margin = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
alignment = 'top_right',

draw_shades = false,    --<---
default_shade_color = '000000', --<---
draw_outline = false,
--default_outline_color = '000000',
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = true, --false,

override_utf8_locale = true,
use_xft = true,
font = 'Fira Mono:bold:size=12', --CaviarDreams:size=8', --<---
xftalpha = 0.5,
uppercase = false,

default_color = 'ffffff',
color1 = 'ed2323', --bunsen-red
color2 = '008000', --green
color3 = '008b8b', --dark cyan
color4 = '008080', --teal
color5 = '20b2aa', --LightSeaGreen
color6 = '778899', --LightSlateGrey
color7 = 'C0C0C0', --Silver

--- LUA ---
lua_load = '~/.conky/rumit/scripts/image.lua',


conky.text = [[
${font monofur:size=9}${alignc}Conky v${conky_version}${font}
${goto 55}${font LED_mono:size=25}${color6}88:88:88${goto 55}${color}${time %T}${color}${font}
${texeci 1200 bash $HOME/.conky/rumit/neige.sh}${lua fDrawImage $HOME/.conky/rumit/satir-1.png 0 508 240 240 0}
${texeci 500 bash $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/accuweather -f}

${voffset -15}${goto 20}${font conkyweather:size=40}${texeci 600  sed -n '22p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}${font monofur:size=25}${goto 150}${texeci 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}°
${voffset -13}${goto 16}${font monofur:size=9}CURRENTLY: ${alignc}${texeci 600  sed -n '4p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
${goto 16}WIND: ${alignc}${texeci 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}  ${texeci 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}${goto 170}${voffset -10}${font ConkyWindNESW:size=30}${texeci 600 sed -n '27p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
${voffset -33}${goto 16}${font monofur:size=9}PRESSURE: ${alignc}${texeci 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
${voffset 7}${goto 25}${texeci 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 100}${texeci 600  sed -n '18p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 170}${texeci 600  sed -n '25p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}
${goto 30}${font conkyweather:size=20}${texeci 600  sed -n '107p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 100}${texeci 600  sed -n '108p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 170}${texeci 600  sed -n '109p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}
${voffset -15}${goto 45}${font monofur:size=9}${texeci 600  sed -n '12p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 120}${texeci 600  sed -n '19p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 190}${texeci 600  sed -n '26p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}
${goto 20}${font monofur:size=10}${texeci 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}${goto 100}${texeci 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}${goto 180}${texeci 600 sed -n '22p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}
  ${color1}${swapbar 0,210}${color}
${font Fira Mono:size=9}${goto 16}plasma  ${alignr 15}${execi 3600 echo `plasmashell --version | grep 'plasmashell' | awk '{print $2}'`}
${goto 16}Entropy  ${alignr 15}${entropy_avail} / ${entropy_poolsize} - ${entropy_perc} %
${goto 16}Boot  ${alignr 15}${execi 86400 who -b | cut -c23-}
${goto 16}Ram  ${alignr 15}${exec free -h --si | awk 'NR==2{printf $3}'} | ${memmax}
${goto 16}System  ${alignr 15}${cpu cpu1} | ${cpu cpu2} | ${cpu cpu3} | ${cpu cpu4}
${goto 16}Radeon  ${alignr 15}${hwmon 0 temp 1}° | HDD ${execi 600 /usr/sbin/hddtemp -n /dev/sdb}°
${goto 16}Load  ${font Fira Mono:size=8}${alignr 15}${loadavg}${color7}(1, 5, 15 min)${color}
${goto 16}${font Fira Mono:size=9}Disk  ${font Fira Mono:size=8}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${color7}(${fs_free /})${color}
${voffset -8}
${alignc}${color7}${font Fira Mono:size=8} ${kernel} ${font Fira Mono:size=9}${color}
${voffset -8}
${goto 70}speed  ↓  ${downspeedf enp2s0}
${goto 70}speed  ↑  ${upspeedf enp2s0}${font monofur:size=9}${color}
${voffset -8}
${goto 10}Exchange rate: ${alignr 15}£ ${execi 1200 curl gbp.rate.sx/1eur?TFq -s | cut -c1-7}  € ${execi 1200 curl eur.rate.sx/1gbp?TFq -s | cut -c1-7}
  ${color1}${swapbar 0,210}${color}

  ${color1}${swapbar 0,210}${color}
#${goto 5}${color}${font Hack:pixelsize=9}${execi 3 audtool current-song-tuple-data artist}
${font Hack:pixelsize=10}${execi 3 audtool current-song-tuple-data title | fold -s40}
#${goto 5}${font Hack:pixelsize=9}${execi 3 audtool current-song-tuple-data album}${color}
#${goto 5}${execi 1 audtool current-song-output-length}  ${execi 1 audtool current-song-length}${color}

#${alignc}${font Hack:pixelsize=12}updates:  ${if_match ${execi 600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l | tail}==0}${execi 600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l | tail}${color}${else}${color red}${blink ${execi 600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l | tail} }${font}${color}${endif}

Code: [Select]

file_exists() {
    if [ -e "$1" ]; then
        return 0
        return 1

#Annotation pour vérifier si l'image est actualisée ##HelveticaLTStd-BlkCond
jour=$(date +%d.%m.%y); heuremodif=$(date +%H); minmodif=$(date +%M)


wget -qO "${RSAT}" "${adrS}"

convert ${RSAT} -filter Lanczos -crop $tailledecoupe_ir2+31+57\! ${RSAT}.png
#convert ${RSAT} -filter Lanczos -crop $tailledecoupe_zoom+389+335\! ${RSAT_zoom}.png
#convert ${RSAT_zoom}.png -resize ${tailleRSAT_zoom}% ${RSAT_zoom}
convert ${RSAT}.png -resize ${tailleRSAT}% ${RSAT}.png
convert  ${RSAT}.png \
\( +clone  -alpha extract \
       -draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,5 5,0 fill white circle 5,5 5,0' \
        \( +clone -flip \) -compose Multiply -composite \
        \( +clone -flop \) -compose Multiply -composite \
     \) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite ${RSAT}.png

convert -background transparent -fill white -font monofur -pointsize 42 -gravity center label:"${libelle} ${jour} @ ${heuremodif}:${minmodif}" -trim \
\( +clone -background none  -shadow 100x1 -channel A -level 0,6% +channel \) +swap +repage -gravity center -composite ${TXT}

convert $RSAT.png  -background  dimgray \( +clone -shadow 70x4+4+4 \) +swap -background none -flatten ${OUTPUT}

composite -geometry +35+10 ${TXT} ${OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT}
#composite -geometry +155+10 ${RSAT_zoom} ${OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT}
if file_exists "${HOME}"/.conky/rumit/radar-sat-*; then
    rm "${HOME}"/.conky/rumit/radar-sat-* "${RSAT}" "${RSAT}.png"
    rm "${RSAT}" "${RSAT}.png"

Offline unklarer

  • User
  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #246 on: 2021/07/26, 17:32:27 »
Farewell mit dem lxde-Desktop   :D

      Link        Icons PapirusGrey         Link
« Last Edit: 2021/08/05, 12:05:12 by unklarer »

Offline unklarer

  • User
  • Posts: 889
Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #247 on: 2021/09/25, 20:56:50 »
  Link      Link      Link    Link

Code: [Select]
# pkill -xf "conky -c /home/unklar/S11/cmus_conkyrc9" &
# @unklar 2021-07-18; 2021-09-25

use_xft yes
#xftfont Input Mono:size=8
#xftfont monofur:size=9
xftfont Hack-Regular:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048

update_interval 1

total_run_times 0

own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager  #,sticky
#own_window_argb_visual yes
#own_window_argb_value 150

#default_bar_size 0 5
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders yes #no
stippled_borders 0
border_inner_margin 5
border_width 2

default_color ffffff
#default_shade_color 000000
#default_outline_color ffffff
#own_window_colour 333333
color0 FFFFFF
color1 66FFFF #Cayn
color8 778899 #LightSlateGrey
color9 C0C0C0 #Silver

#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment middle_right
minimum_size 220 860
maximum_width 220
gap_x 20
gap_y 60

double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
use_spacer none
imlib_cache_size 0

${goto 40}${font LED_mono:size=30}${color8}88:88:88${goto 40}${color}${time %T}${color}${font}
${alignc}Conky v${conky_version}

${alignc}${time %A,} ${time %d.%b. %Y}${color}${font}
${alignc}Woche ${time %V}${color}
${alignc}${if_match ${time %u}==1}${color0}Mo${color9} Di Mi Do Fr Sa So ${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==2}${color9}Mo ${color0}Di${color9} Mi Do Fr Sa So${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==3}${color9}Mo Di ${color0}Mi${color9} Do Fr Sa So${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==4}${color9}Mo Di Mi ${color0}Do${color9} Fr Sa So${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==5}${color9}Mo Di Mi Do ${color0}Fr${color9} Sa So${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==6}${color9}Mo Di Mi Do Fr ${color0}Sa${color9} So${else}\
${if_match ${time %u}==7}${color9}Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa ${color0}So${color9}${else}
${alignc}  ${color9}${execpi 1800 LAR=`date +%-d`; ncal -bhM | sed '2d' | sed -e '1d' -e 's/\<'$LAR'\>/${color0}&${color9}/' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\n${alignc}  /g'}${color}

 |   ${nodename}
 |   ${kernel}
 |   systemd  ${exec systemctl --version | grep 'systemd' | awk '{print $3}'}
 |   Farewell ${execi 86400 cat /etc/debian_version}

   ${goto 150}${font ConkyWindNESW:size=30}${texeci 600  sed -n '27p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}${font}$color${texeci 500 bash $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/accuweather -f}
   ${voffset -30}${texeci 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
   ${texeci 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}  ${texeci 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}
   ${swapbar 1,190}
   NOW:${texeci 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}°${goto 150}${texeci 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}:${color}${texeci 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°/${texeci 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°
   ${font conkyweather:size=30}${texeci 600  sed -n '22p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/curr_cond}${goto 150}${texeci 600  sed -n '106p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${font}
   ${texeci 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}${goto 95}${texeci 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}${goto 160}${texeci 600 sed -n '22p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast|tr a-z A-Z|cut -c1-3}$color
   ${font conkyweather:size=22}${texeci 600  sed -n '107p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 95}${texeci 600  sed -n '108p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${goto 160}${texeci 600  sed -n '109p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}${font}
   ${texeci 600  sed -n '4p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°/${texeci 600  sed -n '5p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${goto 95}${texeci 600  sed -n '11p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°/${texeci 600  sed -n '12p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°${goto 160}${texeci 600  sed -n '18p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°/${texeci 600  sed -n '19p' $HOME/Accuweather_conky_script/daily_forecast}°

 |   CPU: ${goto 100}${cpu cpu0} | ${cpu cpu1} | ${cpu cpu2} |
 |   Entropy:${goto 100}${entropy_avail} / ${entropy_poolsize} - ${entropy_perc}%
 |   CPU Temp:${goto 100}${platform thinkpad_hwmon/hwmon/hwmon3 temp 2}°  Fan: ${platform thinkpad_hwmon/hwmon/hwmon3 fan 1}rpm
 |   root:${goto 100}${fs_free /root} / ${fs_size /root}
 |   RAM:${goto 100}${memperc}%${goto 125}${mem} / ${memmax}
 |   Boot: ${goto 100}${execi 86400 who -b | cut -c23-}
 |   load:${goto 100}${loadavg}
 |   Ex.rate:${goto 100}£ ${execi 1200 curl gbp.rate.sx/1eur?TFq -s | cut -c1-7}  € ${execi 1200 curl eur.rate.sx/1gbp?TFq -s | cut -c1-7}
 |   Ssid:${goto 100}${wireless_essid wlan0}
 |   Signal:${goto 100}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0} %
 |   Up:${goto 100}${upspeed wlan0}${goto 170}${totalup wlan0}
 |   DL:${goto 100}${downspeed wlan0}${goto 170}${totaldown wlan0}
 |   NAME ${goto 160}PID ${goto 200}TOP     
 |   ${top name 1} ${alignr} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
 |   ${top name 2} ${alignr} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
 |   ${top name 3} ${alignr} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
 |   ${top name 4} ${alignr} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4}
 |   ${top name 5} ${alignr} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5}
${font Hack:pixelsize=10}${execi 3 audtool current-song-tuple-data title | fold -s40}${font}

Edit: Das conky-Fenster ist durch diese Einstellung in der Länge "dynamisch",
Code: [Select]
minimum_size 220 0was dazu führt, dass das Fenster flackert/springt, wenn der Song-Titel / Interpret mehr als 40 Zeichen lang ist und ein Zeilenumbruch

Ich habe das oben korrigiert und dem Fenster eine "feste Längengröße" vorgegeben.   :D
Code: [Select]
minimum_size 220 860
« Last Edit: 2021/09/29, 12:10:02 by unklarer »

Offline unklarer

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #248 on: 2021/10/31, 11:40:59 »
Fortsetzung von oben, Conky mit zusätzlichen Satellitenbild ergänzt (danke an meinen Freund @loutch)    :)

das Script loutch.sh
Code: [Select]

rm $HOME/tmpconky/satimage.png

sleep 3

wget -O $HOME/tmpconky/satimage.png https://neige.meteociel.fr/satellite/latest-vis.jpg

exit 0

Offline unklarer

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #249 on: 2021/12/14, 20:54:26 »

Offline devil

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #250 on: 2021/12/16, 20:31:44 »

Offline Mister00X

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #251 on: 2021/12/16, 23:30:07 »
Ich denke Ich beteilige mich auch mal hier mit zweien meiner Plasma-Activities:

Einmal "Gaming":

und einmal "Standard":

leider haben Plasmas Widgets kleine Abstandshalter zueinander, sonst könnte ich so etwas wie einen Conky nur mit Plasmas Miniprogrammen rekreieren. :)
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. – Edward Snowden

Offline unklarer

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #252 on: 2021/12/18, 10:48:18 »
Danke @devil!   :)

Wie das eben so ist, wollte ich kurz nach der Veröffentlichung dieses Bildes in einem anderen Zusammenhang wissen, wann denn das Installationsdatum dieser kde-plasma Version von siduction war und, dass man doch gleich im Conky dies einbauen kann.

Mhh, mein dafür mir bisher bekannter Befehl
Code: [Select]
# tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep -i Createdmacht sich dafür im Conky nicht gut, weil der nur als root funktioniert.
Also, im "Netz" gesucht:
Code: [Select]
ls -l /var/log/installer/sysloggibt es in siduction nicht, aber

Code: [Select]
ls -ld /lost+found
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 25. Feb 2017  /lost+found

macht eine gute Figur im Conky   ;D
Code: [Select]
INSTALLATION ${alignr}${exec ls -ld /lost+found | cut -c30-41}nicht mehr mit Farewell   :(   weil da nur noch das Datum UND die Uhrzeit erscheinen.

Ähnlich verhält sich das mit dem Auslesen der Version aus den Dateien lsb-release/ os-release, wo hauptsächlich alles zu Debian erscheint.
Nun, nach intensiver Sucherei - es geht doch:

Code: [Select]
${exec cat `ls -atr /etc/lsb-release | tail -1` | grep "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" | cut -d= -f2}und in Farewell
Code: [Select]
${exec cat `ls -atr /etc/default/grub.d/siduction.cfg | tail -1` | grep "GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR" | cut -d= -f2}

Offline unklarer

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #253 on: 2021/12/18, 10:53:21 »
@Mister00X, das sieht gut aus.   :) Sind das zwei Arbeitsflächen oder zwei Bildschirme?

...leider haben Plasmas Widgets kleine Abstandshalter zueinander, sonst könnte ich so etwas wie einen Conky nur mit Plasmas Miniprogrammen rekreieren. :)

Warum soll das im Conky nicht ebenso möglich sein?

Offline edlin

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Re: Desktop-Foto
« Reply #254 on: 2021/12/18, 12:24:59 »
Umgekehrt wird ein Schuh draus. Er meinte, dass man Conky nicht einfach aus mehreren Plasma Widgets nachbauen könne, da sich diese nicht nahtlos aneinander reihen lassen.

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill