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Author Topic:  Siduction Appreciation from New Member  (Read 5926 times)


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Siduction Appreciation from New Member
« on: 2021/09/18, 22:05:33 »
Hello.  I’ve been lurking around the forums for a bit & thought I should introduce myself. I am a Linux tinkerer of medium proficiency & previously used Debian & Ubuntu distros (including Mint, Xubuntu, & Bunsen Labs). I discovered Siduction a few months back thanks to Distrowatch & there have been no regrets since. I confess that most of my tinkering happens on MacOS. I really want to embrace all-things open source, but I find the process completely intimidating. Any words of wisdom or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for the all work on Siduction.

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Re: Siduction Appreciation from New Member
« Reply #1 on: 2021/09/18, 23:25:36 »
Welcome, Rickster!

"Medium proficiency" -- that's a good description. To flatter myself, that is what I would call my own level.   ;D

I've been running siduction and its predecessors, aptosid and sidux, since about 2009. I got hooked on the sid branch of Debian with the newest usable software and the rolling release model, and have never regretted it.

But you need to understand that we're on the "developmental" side of stability, here, so upgrading gets a little dicey at times. The keys to success with this distribution are (a) become a master of your repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d (b) always check the "Upgrade Warnings" forum here, to see if there are known issues, and (c) plan to occasionally sit on your hands and wait for sid issues to be resolved, before you upgrade your system. Also, pay close attention to the ones who are "Fully Proficient" -- their advice can save you major headaches.

Again, welcome and enjoy the forum!
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO