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Author Topic: [EN] Nala  (Read 3292 times)

Offline titan

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[EN] Nala
« on: 2023/08/16, 10:10:25 »
Is Nala now the preferred package manager for siduction, I see it mentioned in various threads. I have installed it and can't see any advantage over apt apart from looking a bit nicer. A couple of issues, unless I have missed them, are that it uses auto-remove by default and doesn't show apps to be removed. Also from my point of view it does not show new apps added to repros which wajig does and I like. The other feature mentioned is faster downloads but with todays internet connections that surely is a thing of the past anyway. Looks to me like an answer to a problem that does not exist and possibly create problems running sid with the default settings.

Offline devil

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Re: Nala
« Reply #1 on: 2023/08/16, 11:15:08 »
There is no preferred method, the decision is upon you. We just offer an alternative that, we think, is worth trying out. I, personally, prefer it over apt for it being prettier and more elaborate and not a cramped cluster of text. Auto-remove by default is not a good idea in my book, but can easily be disabled. Nala shows apps to be removed even more prominent than apt does. See my screenshot.

When it comes to speed, it is not the bandwidth that you have that limits speed with apt, but the fact, that Nala supports parallel downloads, which apt does not. Besides that, Nala has a fastest mirror tool  that tests and selects the three fastest mirrors to fetch your updates from.

Offline titan

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Re: Nala
« Reply #2 on: 2023/08/16, 14:20:40 »
I have only used it for a couple of days maybe there weren't any apps to be removed. How do you disable auto remove permanently the only way I can see is by adding disable  to the upgrade command, not intuitive, running sid it should be the default. Also does it select the three fastest mirrors ?  it looks more like you have to select the mirrors you want, or does it select them if you don't choose any. Lots of choice I think I will stay with wajig shows me the information I want ,much simpler and fewer dependencies

Offline der_bud

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Re: Nala
« Reply #3 on: 2023/08/16, 14:45:12 »
.... How do you disable auto remove permanently...
In /etc/nala/nala.conf set  "auto_remove = false", see  https://forum.siduction.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=156a6919220472f4e1022905116974bf&topic=8845.msg70334#msg70334
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